
been on a hiatus but i’m back writing, doubt anyone remembers me as for i didnt write anything notable, im writing a big draco malfoy fic atm. there’s so much lore and so many deep metaphors interlinked into the story im so excited to share my work with you guys, i’ll be releasing it once iv write enough. so far im six chapters in and i’ll be releasing it once iv wrote up to the end of the 3rd year (the story begins in the 3rd year) so obsessed with this story my brain feels like it’s going to explode with the amount of metaphors and lore and plot behind it. cannot wait to share this although i doubt many of my followers are still active, anyways hello to those still reading 


been on a hiatus but i’m back writing, doubt anyone remembers me as for i didnt write anything notable, im writing a big draco malfoy fic atm. there’s so much lore and so many deep metaphors interlinked into the story im so excited to share my work with you guys, i’ll be releasing it once iv write enough. so far im six chapters in and i’ll be releasing it once iv wrote up to the end of the 3rd year (the story begins in the 3rd year) so obsessed with this story my brain feels like it’s going to explode with the amount of metaphors and lore and plot behind it. cannot wait to share this although i doubt many of my followers are still active, anyways hello to those still reading