
/    i wanna make a doctor who anon   ,     or an uncharted anon but idk 


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[   OOF  time  for  some  hopefully   exciting   shit  —  probably  like  them  at  fifteen  or  summ  ]
          the  seance  shook  luther  .    "  wake  up  !   luther  ,    you  / need /  to  get  up  now  !  "    he   spoke  in  a  panicked  tone  ,   hues  wide  and  full  of  confusion  and  fear  .


@-spaceleader ;
            "  the  lab  where  we're  running  some  experiments   on  them  .   blood  - work  ,    seeing  how  they  react  with  chemicals  ,   all  that  jazz  !  "    he  squeaked  ,   head  down  .   "  i  can  take  you  there  just  /please/  don't  hurt  me  ~  "
            the  seance  reached  out  ,   snatching  two  knives  from  the  villains  belt  .    he  shot  a  glare  to  the  man  ,    a  look  luther  hadn't  seen  many  times  before .  he  hissed  at  the  man  before  backing  off ,   still  holding  both  weapons .


/     @notklaus    
                        “     lab   ?     what lab    ?     “      he listened close to the addresses he spit out    ,      taking mental notes  &&.   reminders to search    ,    as well as threaten the man into driving them there     .       with his hand still holding the man’s arm twisted     ,      luther furrowed his brows when he saw klaus come forward    .      “      what are you doing    ,     klaus     ?      “ 


@-spaceleader ;
            he  cried  out  in  pain  ,   hissing  as  his  arm  was  bent  back  .   " th  -  they're  at  the  lab  !   "   he  admited ,   breath  hitching  .   he  rambled  some  addresss as  well  as  some  sob  story  as  he  begged  for  mercy  .
            klaus  shook  his  head  ,   stepping  towards  the  scene  .


/ young ben skrrt
          i finished checking for monsters . they're all scared of me .


* he always tried to be honest about how he felt — he didn't like the feeling of saying things he didn't think were true . he shrugged , then let out a sigh * i guess you're right . we don't really have a choice . .


/       @worstghostever 
                      well   . . .     it’s better not to sometimes      .       &&.     that’s not true    . . .     dad cares about me     .      don’t say things like that     .       *     luther was always sensitive to that sort of topic    .        he looked down at the ground    .      *      sometimes i do    ,       but we’re not normal      ,       we can’t go back   &&.    live an ordinary life     . 


* he pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows in thought * i don't know if he needs us . he doesn't seem to care for us , much . . . when we're not out there saving the world . i don't know , i just wonder sometimes . . . what it could've been like .


The boy clenched his jaw , a sad yet mad expression written over his face as he packed one of his bags . It was the middle of the night so he thought this would be the best time to leave . Getting up, he grabbed the bag and swung it over his shoulder before slowly opening his door room , cringing a bit as he heard the door creek as it opened. 
          He poked his head through the hallway looking both ways before slowly stepping down the hallway and stopped in the middle looking at his other siblings rooms door. He blinked his tears away before shaking his head and walked down the hall , not caring if he made noise at this point . 


Five froze in the hallway hearing 
            Luther start to speak . He turned 
            around to face the tired boy 
            holding the straps of his bag as 
            he bit his inner cheek , sighing . 
            ❝ I’m just . . . Going for a stroll ❞ 
            he said a bit hesitantly as he looked
             down at his shoes . The truth was 
            he was leaving , he was tired of 
            their father and being only able 
            to talk to Vanya since he was 
            usually with Klaus but they hit a 
            curb and stopped . Also having 
            the problem of raging out 
            randomly and going all crazy and
            psycho had its effects on the 
            family and he didn’t want to bring 
            them down with him . 


/    @TxmeTrxvel     .
                        luther had woken up from the creak of the door    ,      now standing outside of the door of his own bedroom in his pj's     .        he rubbed his eyes tiredly    ,     but ready to throw a punch if it was an intruder    .      he squinted his eyes    ,      trying to make out who it was in the dark     .         ''      five      ?      what are you doing up so late       ?       ''      he asked when he recognized him    ,     words slurred from how exhausted he was at the moment       .


/    teen tingz :(:( 
          allison   hated    getting   into   trouble    ,,   especially  when   it   involved   luther   &&.  herself    being   separated      .     the   two    had   gone   off   together   listening   to   music and   having   giggling   fits   before    their   father   walked   in   announcing   that   allison was   in   fact   a   bad   influence   for   number one  and  made   the   girl   eat   upstairs   in    her   room   alone   when   luther   was   downstairs     .     feeling   as   if   everything    was   her   fault   and   that    she   wasnt   good  enough   ,,   the   girl   had   began   having sleepless   nights   and   hadn’t   even   tried   in training  which   resulted   in   her   father scolding   her   and   telling   her   she   was   never   going   to   be   as   good   as   some   of   the   others   and   she   might   as   well   stop   training      .     now   the   girl   had   ran    up   to her   and   luthers   tent   and   began   to   sob rubbing   her   eyes   as   she   hiccuped   realizing   how   she   would   never   be   good enough to   anybody    /   especially luther    .   ‘   he probably hates me because of the bad reputation i gave him    ’    the   rumor   thought   late   at   night    ;    beginning   to hyperventilate   as   she   curled   herself   up   in   a   ball     ,,    hot   tears   streaming   down   her cheeks    .    hoping   she’d   be   left   for   dead   the   girl   rocked   back   and   forth sobbing   into   her   arms   squeezing   her eyes   shut   knowing   nobody   would   remember   her    ,,    not   even  luther    .   


‘    sorry dad    ,,     ’     allison    looked    up    ;;    squinting    at    the    blonde    -    clinging slightly    onto     the    boy    as     she    gained balance       .        ‘    /    i    got    the    flashlights    !!      ’        she    whispered     happily     &.   beginning    to    walk    back towards    their    tent      .    


/     @teenagedrumor 
                        arm reaching out    ,       he caught onto her arm    &&.     hoisted her up    ,       over the stairs    &&.    onto the wood surface     .     “     you have to be more careful    .      “       he hissed quietly with worry    .  


quickly     raising     her     finger     to     her     lips     she     let     out     a      gentle     but     anxious     smile      as     she     finally     reached     the     top     step     stumbling     over     it    ,,   ‘   jesus    !     ’    allison whispered     harshly     reaching    out   for     the     railing     on     the     staircase       .


[  some curious teenage klaus —  ]
          the seance snuck into allison's room ,  knowing the rumor was occupied with luthor in a different room .  he carefully crept towards her closet ,  opening it quietly and browsing through a few things .  one skirt seemed to really catch his eye ,  as well as feather boa .  he was about to snatch the things ,  freezing up when he heard the doorknob jiggle as someone was opening it .


/     @notklaus    . 
                     he turned around    &&.    carefully opened his eyes    ,     making sure he was fully dressed     .       he examined him     ,      before nodding in satisfaction     .       “     you look   . . .     you look like a girl    ,      klaus    .      i’m impressed that you can pull it off so well    .     “     he whispered honestly    ,      staring at him from the mirror    .      “     you   . . .    you should wear dresses more often   . . .      if dad lets you    .     “ 


@-spaceleader ;
            "  great idea . "   number four said with a shy smile ,  nodding .  "  and  yeah  ,   thanks .  "   with slight hesitation ,  klaus striped from his clothing and set it aside .   after taking a deep breath ,  he pulled it on ,  already enjoying the soft feeling of the material .  it fit him perfectly ,  hugging his thin form .  he adjusted the boa ,  grabbing a chain bracelet and a a few rings from allison's dresser and putting them on .  " you . . . you can look now . "  he spoke nervously ,  eyeing his own appearance in the mirror .


/      @notklaus    
                          luther nodded without hesitation    .     “      yeah   ,   black really suits your style     .     “     he looked around    ,     making sure allison wouldn’t walk in     .      he truly was trying to keep it a secret     ,      especially since he didn’t know how dad would react to this     .       “      with some jewelries added to it    ,     you’ll look better    .      are you   —     are you going to try it on to see how it looks     ?     i — i won’t look  . . .   “    he mumbled    ,      about to turn around  &&.   close his eyes since he respected his privacy    .   