Junko Furuta was a 16 year old Japanese girl who underwent 44 days of rape and torture before dying in the hands of her captors on November 22, 1989. Known throughout Japan as concrete-encased high school girl, the case of Junko Furuta drew nationwide attention owing to sheer brutality the girl had to endure before death found her.
you see this is the thing that annoys me about this app you have people actually suffering and being tormented and no one knows about it not even the victims parents. this is actually sickening and disturbing and demented while you people just lie for attention “ my friend on here called me a bitch.” or “ my life is so unfair and depressing.” be thankful that you didn't have to endure such pain like this angel Junko Furuta had to experience. moral of the story is if you are going through real issues don't make them up just for attention.
@-starboy- its okay! At least you see my point of view! if you ever read the newspaper or magazines they put them in the smallest coloums possible so when you can read about them you only get half the story...that story should of only lasted half of the day and got way less attention than it did oh yeah her jewelery got stollen and she got taped up and put in her tub at least she wasnt kidnapped put somewhere nobody knows where she is then raped or beat or even sold!!