To my American followers:
Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. And I, like many others, am allowing myself to breath a sigh of relief.
But this isn’t over.
If you think Biden will fix all the things wrong with this country, you’re mistaken. If the last four years have taught us anything it’s that our government will never do what is best for us without us pushing them. I will keep fighting for my friends and their rights and the people I love. In the next couple of years, there are steps we must take.
More young people need to get into politics. This is our future at stake, the lives of our friends and loved ones, and we need to be the ones deciding it.
Continue to vote, continue to stay updated and aware of what is going on in our country and the rest of the world, make your voice heard. To my fellow white people, do not dominate the conversation. Lift POC voices up and let them know you will continue to be an ally. No one fights alone.