
i got logged out of wattpd on my computer for some reason. but i will be posting soon again. starting like next week, and i'll be fairly consistent. gonna start a writing schedule for myself !!


glad you're back! excited for the new updates :D 


hi kai, hru?? i feel like we haven't talked in forever :(


@mintychenle // yeah, i understand, and take your time! we'll be waiting


            yes! i promise. im not ending loom anytime soon ive just been busy and tired. school kinda sucks. 


hey quick rant, i just wanna say, if you invalidate people's feelings when they are sad or upset that an idol has done cultural appropriation, please unfollow me. especially if you are white and do this because you especially do not know how that feels and it simply doesn't involve you. but regardless of your race or ethnicity, you do not get to determine or police how people feel. their feelings are valid regardless if it was at the fault of the stylist, or the idol themselves because some idols DO ask for cornrows some idols DO ask for locs, and if u use "its the stylists!" as an excuse then you need to accept that some of your favs just don't care about respecting other cultures. im not saying the idols deserve death threats or mass amounts of hate, but I am saying that no one gets to police anyone's feelings about their culture being culturally appropriated, whether thats desi culture, african-american culture, indigenous culture, etc, they will feel how they feel. if you understand this, i respect you, if you don't understand this, then either ask questions so i can help you understand, or don't interact with me. thanks.


@-sunsunoo Exactly! Thank you for putting my thoughts down so clearly


also, im not upset at anyone in particular, it's just super frustrating when people do this and i don't want to run into someone like that here. the applyfic community on wattpad is kinda my way away from things like that because i don't see it often here.