oi , do you have a moment ? i need to talk to you . ( normally, the rather tall male would never approach the woman to just 'talk'. normally, it was because he had stolen something & was 'forced' to confront her. however, this wasn't the case this time around. no, he hadn't stolen anything from her (yet). he was here to talk about something else—something potentially / serious /, which could be assumed because of his rather.. more-stern-than-usual expression. he seemed agitated & upset for some reason & there was a high chance the woman before him was about to discover why. )

i . d . : @BLUE-ENVY * she waited patiently as he gathered his thoughts , but the time she ' d had to prepare didn ' t seem to prepare her for the words that ended up leaving his mouth . that was clear enough from the way her brown eyes widened further , mouth slightly agape . the man was rarely one to apologize , or so she ' d heard , but she could tell that his words were genuine . realizing this , her smile grew , a warm expression on her face . * well , i ' m touched you ' d be willing to admit to it all to me . and i accept your apology , of course , so don ' t worry about it ! * her first sentence may have come off as more passive - aggressive had it come from anyone else , but it was well - known that she rarely had the guts to be any form of rude towards anyone , even if they happened to deserve it . still , she accepted it so easily that it was hard to believe she had ever been offended by it in the first place — but then again , that was aeri for you . how typical . * // AHAHAHA — i could see that , ngl — and i ' m p sure that most of them would still be pissed with him lol

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@-sweetqiifts um — ( this was odd. why was he hesitating? he shouldn't be hesitating! this wasn't even / that / big of a deal. at least, that's what ge had convinced himself. in reality, this was serious. this was no joke & yet, he was sure the woman would laugh at him for being FOOLISH. everyone else did, so why wouldn't she? why / shouldn't / she? brushing his overwhelming thoughts aside, orion would place a hand on the back of his neck, his eyes locking with aeri's. ) listen — i know i always steal shit from you that's either not too important or very important . i know i'm every possible insult in the ' insults dictionary ' . i know that i always taunt & tease you whenever i steal shit from you . & i know that it bothers you when i do the shit that i do . so , i'm sorry . ( what? what was this? orion souen, a foul-mouthed man, a literal / asshole / & thief, was APOLOGIZING for once? he was sure it was probably shocking & that most people would assume he was merely bullshitting. but anyone who / knew / him would know just how / rare / it was for HIM of all people to apologize in any way, shape, or form. & despite his words coming out through gritted teeth, as if speaking them was difficult, his tone was as sincere as it could possibly get. ) ; ngl if he was saying this to one of the sins, it would definitely turn out more angsty in a way.

i . d . : @BLUE-ENVY huh ? * the brunette ' s eyes widened ever so slightly , surprised by the male ' s request . she had never seen him looking so upset before , a thought that only seemed to worry her . typically , he only approached her to tease her upon stealing her things , only for her to try and plead for their return . for a moment , she couldn ' t help but worry that he could be trying to fool her , but she doubted it upon seeing his stern expression . helping him came first , as it should ' ve . quickly , she nodded in reply , a soft , inviting smile gracing her lips . * of course , it ' d be rude of me to turn you away . what ' s on your mind , souen - kun ?