
hope you’re all doing well! I miss everyone so much and I’m sending lots of love your way ✨✨


@-sweetsivan  sending love hun, hope you are doing okay ❤


damn, how are you? we haven't talked in forever!! 


please give me your insta again, i'm not sure whether you are who i think you are haha xoxo


@diesomewherepretty I knowww, oh my god! I’m hanging in there. I miss you so much!! you have my insta I think (if not I can give it to you if you want) so you should message me sometime! I’m truly awful at replying, but I’m trying to get better at it! 


i hope you’re doing well! ♥️


awww, thank you! you too !!! :)


@watsoninwakanda same to you! I think about you so often, I hope everything’s okay your way and you’re staying safe! ❤️❤️


@FVCKSUH ahhhhh, I miss you! please message me sometime! I’m horrible at responses, I know, I’ve just had a lot going on! I’m trying to get better at it. I hope you’re doing fantastic and staying safe! ❤️


lots has happened since I was last on here, and I hope you’re all well! 
          just a few notes:
          black lives matter. this shouldn’t be a political opinion, and it saddens me that it is. if you don’t agree then I would be glad to help educate you on why it should, just message me any time! this also applies to everything else that been going on with protests, acab, etc! 
          happy last day of pride! so proud every single year of everyone embracing their identities and sexualities. you’re all valid and you’re all loved. remember to be grateful for those who paved the way for us! 
          please, please, please, wear masks if you go out!! I am begging you, even if you are okay putting yourself at risk for covid, other people are not lucky enough to make that same choice. don’t be selfish, wear a mask. 
          and lastly, make sure to do mental health checks! a lot has been going on, and it’s okay to take time for yourself. there’s nothing shameful in it, because your own personal health comes before anything. take a day or two, go for a walk, listen to music! 
          don’t stop signing petitions! don’t stop protesting! don’t stop donating! don’t stop educating your friends and families! remember that your families political opinions and your political opinions do NOT have to be the same! just keep your heads up! :)


this theme is so immaculate oh my god 


@louistomliinsons thank you! and aw, I’m so glad to hear that! 


awh i’m sorry to hear that, my dms are always open if you need to chat !! not much really, kinda been on a hiatus but i think i’m back now (:


@louistomliinsons I’ve been better, but overall okay!! how’re you?? what’ve you been up to? 


I hope you’re all doing well!! just a little psa:
          making edits, writing stories, making any kind of art in general is h a r d. it takes hours and hours of hard work, and so much is put into this. the edits that I make take around 6-12 hours,  because of me wrestling with my adhd, creativity lows, and everything else. but, the final product is something that I am always proud of.
          this being said, do not steal someone else’s art and claim it as your own for any reason at all. it takes a while to learn how to do any form of art, but there are countless tutorials online that could help you. if you see a piece of art you like, then kindly leave a like, comment, maybe share it, but do not steal it.
          I just had to go try to get one of my Instagram edits taken down after it was stolen, before that person told me they got it from tiktok, then that person told me it was from another, and it’s turned into a whole big thing. so please, do not steal from others hard work. 
          you guys are all creative as hell, and I would love to see what you do when you put those minds to great work!