
Chapter 36! FINALLY THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!! Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did. I don't know exactly when I'll post next, as life has gotten... interesting? But here's a 10k word chapter to tide you over for now!


Hello love!! i just wanted to say, it’s been a while since i’ve read minnow and jemina and i absolutely loved both stories so far!! and while i’m waiting for a new update i’m just gonna start reading them again!! 


Hey there. I have wanted to say this for the longest time (almost a year) that your story of Jemima Potter/Black (which includes the sequel) is one of the best books I have ever read. I have accidentally lost g boo severel time but kept coming nd trying to find it. The book is soo good. 


This means the absolute world to me, thank you so so much!


If anyone has any interest in a high fantasy original story from me, I just posted the prologue and first chapter of Laseria - a very high fantasy story that involves magic, royalty, dragons and even nymphs! 
          I’d really appreciate it if you’d check it out, but you don’t have to. It will remain as just a prologue and first chapter for a very long time, since I’m still trying to prioritize Jemina’s story (more of that is coming soon, I promise!). 
          Anyway, yeah - Thank you, so much, for the support and love. 


I’m debating posting the prologue & 1st chapter of an original heavy fantasy story of mine… If I do, it’ll literally be the only 2 parts posted for a very very long time, since there’s very little of it ready to be published. I just really want to share it and gauge interest.  


If I spent the same amount of time writing my book as I do trying to convince myself that the negative comments on it don’t bother me, it would be finished. 


this message may be offensive
            But they do bother me, and they take away all motivation I have to write at all. I see comments about how many kids Jem has had/would’ve had/have almost had and how it’s too many, they should stop, it’s ridiculous, etc, and I just... it’s such a silly thing to get so worked up about but here I am, so sick of seeing the same comment over and over again. 
            Ffs, I wrote the first book over a year ago. I can’t take back all that storyline. I can’t undo those extremely important things that happened to her. I can’t. If I’d known that it would be so fucking contested, I would never have given her a single miscarriage despite how integral to her personality and outlook on motherhood in general those miscarriages and still births were. I haven’t written in weeks because I can’t convince myself that I actually can continue with the planned storyline. Anytime I try, I get so anxious that I physically cannot write. I wish I could take out all of the miscarriages and rewrite the entire story to just have Aubrey and Lilian, but even then people would complain about her having two kids. They’d find a way. 
            I know I have to just... accept that people will always find something to complain about, something to dislike, and I know that not everyone will like my story but... it’s disheartening and frustrating bc I’ve put my heart and soul into trying to make this story good. I know that a lot of people really love it, and the amount of people complaining is minuscule compared to the amount of people saying they love the story, but the complaints hit harder. They hurt more than the love feels good. 


It's a couple weeks late but that's okay, cuz it's here! Chapter 33 is up!! 
          I am gonna take a few days to test the waters of this writing kick I'm on, but hopefully I can start updating regularly again. If I can, chapters will be up biweekly, every other Sunday. Keeping space between them gives me plenty of time to write them, edit them, adjust them, and then hopefully get ahead. 
          Warning: it's another 8k words... heh :)


Sorry, the update is gonna be a little late. I hope to get it out by next weekend, but I'm not gonna promise lol. Been going through it emotionally, and need a little more time to stop hurting before I can finish writing the chapter. 
          Thank you guys so much for Minnow hitting 100k reads this week, it means SO much to me. I appreciate all of you.