
Hellooo everyone, it's been a while :) Just want to pop in and say A HUGE THANK YOU for the massive support for Shades of Yellow <3 Although I'm not very active, I do like to pop in Wattpad every once in a while to go thru my notifs (replying to an odd comment or two :3). it makes my heart so warm so know that an increasing number of people are enjoying my lil fic (511k is INSANE).
          	Love you all! ~Tal


Hey i ready your Story Like the hundreth time already and i realised how it would also be If she and suho fell in Love and i know you are probably Not writing anything at the Moment anymore and maybe you could start one for suho which IS a little Bit Like the one for hjs .... If Not its all good Just wanted To also say that the book was and still is AMAZING!!!!! Love you❤️❤️❤️


Hiiii! Just wanted to tell you that I finished reading your Shades of Yellow Book- Han Seojun book and wanted to say IT WAS AMAZING!! I have read multiple different HSJ fan fictions, but yours is my favorite. I loved all the scenes and I will probably re-read it. Good job on your book and if you make any more books then I will definitely read them! Thank you!


Hellooo everyone, it's been a while :) Just want to pop in and say A HUGE THANK YOU for the massive support for Shades of Yellow <3 Although I'm not very active, I do like to pop in Wattpad every once in a while to go thru my notifs (replying to an odd comment or two :3). it makes my heart so warm so know that an increasing number of people are enjoying my lil fic (511k is INSANE).
          Love you all! ~Tal


Have u ever watched the k drama business proposal if so do you mind writing a cha sunghoon fic pls


@xuxu1125 @xuxu1125 hiii! I've watched Business Proposal and ah-dored it!! However, I don't think I'll write a Secretary Cha fic cos I lovee his romance with Youngseo and can't imagine thinking up an OC that can match up to her 


Hi I was just curious, would you ever think of a sequel for Shades of Yellow? Like a follow-up story for the 2nd gen or their kids and they'd still be in it? I'm not pushing anything, it was just a thought lol


@_Yizhuan thank you so much!! it means a lot to me ❤️ glad you enjoyed my book!


@-theduchess that's good, good luck on your journey to rediscovery lol
            your style of writing really piqued my interest and the atmosphere you made with you book made me stay to the end, you're very talented, I'm looking forward to more of your books, however please don't feel pressured, I support you ♥


@_Yizhuan Hii! I don't think I'll consider writing a sequel or spin-off, since I think we've left them at a comfortable point, and I wouldn't want to risk ruining/altering their characters. And it's totally fine, I love hearing from my readers! Also, your question is making me think of venturing onto Wattpad again, so I'll definitely try to see what kdrama I could write a fanfic about ~❤️