
please check out this masterdoc provided by @crierayla, who has been very vocal about the events in palestine and the destruction and suffering israel is causing!!! 
          	https:// drive.google.com/file/d/ 16gp6YaNAdIzEOWq2yynDCqmfQCX3_X36/view? usp=drivesdk
          	also this link which has an extension of links and more reliable sources as well: https://free-palestine.carrd.co/


please check out this masterdoc provided by @crierayla, who has been very vocal about the events in palestine and the destruction and suffering israel is causing!!! 
          https:// drive.google.com/file/d/ 16gp6YaNAdIzEOWq2yynDCqmfQCX3_X36/view? usp=drivesdk
          also this link which has an extension of links and more reliable sources as well: https://free-palestine.carrd.co/


please take the time to educate yourselves on what is occurring in palestine and the grand scale at which israel is actively working to eradicate palestine and is purposefully causing the losses of thousands of men, women and children. israel is targeting centers for those who have lost their homes and the remaining hospitals in gaza (including children’s hospitals!!) that are providing shelter as well as what little medical care they can with the resources remaining to aid palestinians who have been injured by the continuous bombardments and raids. an air strike hit a school serving as a safe haven for palestinians, killing at least 15 civilians; additionally, they have targeted multiple mosques. israel also imposed a siege and launched ground assaults, all of which resulted in more than 9,488 palestinian casualties!!!! this is vivid evidence of israel’s intention of genocide and can not be ignored!! those who have remained silent on the basis of “not being educated enough,” that is simply not an excuse; educate yourself!!!! there are more than enough resources and news articles that have been provided by those who stand by palestine, especially on this platform, and can provide explanations on the tragedies that are occuring every single day in palestine. and for those who are claiming to remain “neutral,” it is clear to everyone that statement is simply a poor attempt at hiding the fact you support genocide. please, please educate yourselves and post about palestine, speak about gaza, share links, do everything you can to show your support of palestine!!!! voices can be one of our most powerful tools if we use them!!!


i know it has been some time since i have last been on this account but i believe it to be extremely important of me to speak out about the genocide that is occuring in palestine, undeniably evident by the thousands of deaths in gaza. the israeli government and military are responsible for the murders of thousands of palestinian men, women and children, and hundreds of families subjected to oppression and tragedy on a daily basis. essential resources have been stripped from thousands residing in palestine, leaving them without water and electricity as a method to weaken and persecute them. israel has been relentless in attacking palestine for decades, through ways of air bombardment such as missiles and bombs, and through invasions and raids. as of recently, the entire communication system of gaza has been destroyed in an attempt to isolate innocent families and thousands of residents have been forced to relocate further south. many hospitals are losing the fuel necessary to help injured palestinians who have been wounded due to the bombs and raids, whether that be directly or through the collapsing of buildings, and it has been reported that more than one-third of city hospitals have ceased operating, leaving those injured with fewer options for medical care. this is a war crime against palestine and blatant genocide of palestines, one that no person with humanity can ignore! please educate yourselves, donate if you can and attend protests if you are able!! also, be mindful of the companies and people you support as many have shown to be siding with israel and thereby are blatantly supporting the murders of thousands of palestinian families and the eradication of palestine, therefore we should be boycotting them!!! we must not stop educating ourselves and sharing information as well as doing everything we possibly can with our influence and voices until palestine is free!! 


i’m so saddened and honestly terrified at the overturning of roe vs wade and what the future holds for women in the U.S. i never thought this would happen. how can only nine people decide the future for women all over the country? it’s taking a long time for me to process the information and all i feel is sadness. i hope everyone stays safe. 




@-theL0uvre oh my god, i love your theme


and gracie is honestly so sweet, i love her so much 


as we should!! lorde is my savior 