
// << that's it, i'm watching macross sdf - my ace combat fixation is still going strong and given the fact that they can transform into fkn MECHS had me sold >>


          	  Because Mechas are always fun.


Can I do a scenario with the cat choosing Alex? 


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            (It's alright shit happens) 
            Alex glanced back down at gremlin with a small chuckle. "Thanks for the heads up.' he replied before getting back to helping move the equipment. Several hours passed and the helldiver would occasionally see gremlin staring at him. 
            Alex smiled underneath his helmet finding it kind of funny the cat seemed so fixated on him. Soon he was able to rest, as he sat down with a sigh and again there was gremlin watching him. 


{ @-F0r-SuperEarth- }
            // << sorry for the delay, college been kicking my butt a bit more today >>
            for the record, the cat had short, ashen gray fur which in some cases could also be mistaken for a more sooty color. but once he spotted the helldiver, he looked at him with its bright, orange-brown eyes and an ever-judgemental stare. it was a trademark look for this cat in particular, as he'd do it with every other fixer as well. he had seen many fixers come and go, a good amount of them don't come back, so it's natural for him not to think much of alex.
            he was sitting on top of the crates, watching over the bay from his height, like a king overseeing his land. he didn't do much except stare at alex, as if he were a lesser being, like any other fixer on the station.
            one of the station staff members who happened to be at the bay, offered to be an extra pair of helping hands for the helldiver. he has knowledge about super earth and was stoked to see a helldiver in person. when she saw alex interacting with the cat and given his usual reaction to visitors, the staff member quickly cleared the air of potential confusion.
            << that's gremlin. he's a smug little bastard, and is *very* picky about people, but he brings morale to everyone here. so whenever he sees you and looks like he doesn't think much of you, don't take it personally. he doesn't really know you. hell, if he hasn't hissed at you from the get-go, that's already a good start. >> the staff member explained, taking a second look at the cat. the two could see that gremlin indeed had that smug look on his little face, now that they mentioned it.


            Alex was helping around the station carrying the various supplies helping the fixers. However a small black cat appeared from seemingly out of no where. It meowed as it began following him around. "Oh umm hi there little guy " Alex says looking at the little cat. 


// << i may or may not making a canon thing in which there is a cat that lives inside one of the fixer stations (namely ironside), he's named GREMLIN. it's the station's pet, but also a demon in feline form- smug little bastard, messes with briefings, steals your food, yoinks your stuff and pretty much hoards items in the vents- >>
          << a lot of fixers love him, some despise him, but all of them believe he brings omens- >>
          << if he hates you, he knocks everything you have over- if you've been chosen, he follows you around, brings you gifts, he steals your bunk, and you get to say that you're one of his favorite- >>


@-thiswarofhers the implications are amazing. We all love gremlin!


{ @-F0r-SuperEarth- }
            // << a gremlin is needed in the station in these trying times - nobody knew how he got there, but he just appeared one day, and now he's ironside's mascot- >>


// << i think the instagram reel algorithm has been fixed, I haven't seen a content warning since yesterday >>


@-thiswarofhers meanwhile, me sipping coffee while reading very explicit horror and murder stories, not knowing about the instagram thing cuz i don't have instagram XD but fr, that is hella messed up.


{ @shift-into-gear }
            // << that would be very much appreciated, lee- >>


[@-thiswarofhers] /    I will pay for our group therapy session, pookie. :pensive:


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// << instagram's been sending all kinds of violent shit there all day- i'm just saying that it's weird that instagram decided that february 26th is the day of the fuckin purge- >>


[@-thiswarofhers] /    I’ve been dealing with those videos for a while now before today. Idk what’s going on, but it’s something.


            Yeah, I’m not sure what’s going on considering it.


this message may be offensive
            some insane shit popping up there , mad max type shit going on 


The sentient virus was struggling. He looked paler than usual, and striking red patches of skin were visible under his greyish-blue eyes. Alex fell against the door, causing a violent noise, and shivered intensely.
          Leaning on the random door of the apartment proved to be a bad idea because it soon opened. He fell forward and crashed into whoever it was that had opened it.
             //  I hope this is OK


alex sat there motionless with a deep frown on his face for a while. he could feel the sickness inside him battling his unique genetic structure. this was so weird for him. he felt drained. it was horrible to feel that weak and useless.
            he then decided to will his arm to transform into a blade, just to test if he still could, but no matter how much he tried, it remained looking like a human arm.
            he only turned his head to stare at her once she moved to glance out of the window.
            he didn't verbally react, but he did frown again as a result of her words. he stared at her expression some more. the staring was probably unsettling, so he glanced away.
            maybe he should enlighten her; elaborate a little bit. but then she'd probably throw him back outside or call the authorities.or most likely do both, he thought.
            "i got injected with something." he sighed out.


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{ @web-of-intrigue }
            don't get her wrong, skye was just as skeptical as alex in this situation, but chose not to jump straight to conclusions. after all, she had to drag in a complete stranger inside her makeshift base. that look in her eye hasn't faltered one bit, and despite helping him, she didn't show any weakness that can be exploited. she had that look where no matter what you have planned, she'd see it coming.
            the only action she did was to bring the man inside and sit him against the wall, the rest she backed up and let him recover at his own pace, even giving him space to do so. after that, the cyanette did also glance outside the window on the streets in case of pursuers before looking back at him.
            << more complicated than the shit happening lately? somehow, i doubt that. >> she raised an eyebrow. she couldn't think of something more complicated than this outbreak, and it showed in her expression.


the feeling of being grabbed and pulled inside was all he could register at that moment in time. it was alarming for him, and he braced himself to fight if needed.
            once alex was sitting down against the wall, he took a look at who was talking to him. his guard was still up, but he was feeling so unwell that his caution would be rendered semi-useless.
            "i'm not hit,"
            he slumped forward so that his upper back wasn't touching the wall. that felt better. the source of the problem was on his back, after all.  "it's complicated."


// << i think this is the most random ass question i'm going to give so far, but - do your characters happen to have a list of existing characters in fiction they would simp for? :eyes: >>
          << also, as you guys can tell by my inactivity - i'm back in college, YIPPEEEEEEEE >>


 //  haha, yeah, i think so too. 


{ @web-of-intrigue }
            // << ayeeee- i gotta say, people like you are found one in a million! >>


 //  i also run cry of fear anons.


// << cb & specify for valentine's day, or drop, i'll do my best to actually get to replies this time around >>


@-thiswarofhers I really need to get my oc sorted soon. 'spook' is not ready yet XD


            Maybe it starts off like super awkward. Since last time we rped with them she saved him from the bots. So like both of them have hidden feelings at this point but neither know how to confess. Since Alex has been stranded on the planet for quite a while if that works 


{ @autophage }
            // << already sent one- >>