hellooooo lovely people,
I fell off the face of the earth again (thanks, life, lol), but I now return bearing new covers AND news about projects (!!!)
1) I said it already, but new covers!! super exciting!! I haven't had a lot of time to play around with different styles, but I had some of these saved to whip into shape, and it was time for a change.
2) BIG NEWS! I have (finally) finished writing Moving Forward (!) after I think six years!! (hahaha whoops) It surprisingly ended with the same number of chapters that I originally imagined, so I guess this plot stayed in line with 2014 Me's thinking. who knew?
which brings me to 3) because I have now finished MF, I will be uploading the last dozen or so chapters over the next few days. I know I've said I would keep a regular updating schedule before, buuuut we all know I'm terrible at that, so I'm just going to post them all quickly before I forget to do it or get caught up off Wattpad again. I'll be uploading at least one, maybe two, chapters tonight; tomorrow I will be AWOL again, so the rest of the chapters will start going up Sunday and, hopefully, be entirely posted by Tuesday-Wednesday of next week. if any of y'all wanna know how that story ends, here's your chance! (you'll definitely have to re-read everything from before to remember though, sorry :/)
4) now that MF is done, only AF is left to finish. gotta admit, haven't made too much progress with that one since MF has taken most of my time and energy, but updates will be coming! if you care to keep up with that one, know that I am determined to finish it before I post any other new projects or side stories.
5) as a general comment, here's a big thank you to all you lovely followers/readers/voters/commenters who have kept up with my profile and my works even though I have not. many thanks and much appreciation to you all <3
all my love <3<3