hii, are you going to continue 'happy' or is it discontinued?

happy pride month !!!

IM QUAKING, that tfatws finale was soo good!! and sam’s speech UGH I LOVE YOU SAM WILSON!

i feel like this last episode of tfatws was the calm before the storm and the next episode will be utter chaos, but who cares?? all i care about us sarah & bucky :))

@-tonkinforgranted the fact that the new sarah/jamie fics coming out are th ebest in the fandom y3ni imma need marvel to do a little more

@themeanaswany GIRL SAMEE! i just what my sarah & bucky content at this point

@BR00KESDAVIS no, they’re not dating. they were just officially introduced to one another and they’ve been eye flirting every time they see each other, which isn’t much of anything to be hype about, but im just excited bc i didn’t think marvel was actually gonna put them together & these scenes shows that they are

i had to take several seats after that new episode of tfatws because wtf??? i just need john walker gone — his presence has become the ultimate inconvenience at this point. ( p.s. ) please remember that the actor is NOT the character and sending hate to others because of what a fictional character did is helping nobody.

@-tonkinforgranted and yea his work ethic's crazy I cna't believe how many projects he's doing I'm so proud of this man

@-tonkinforgranted h my bad I meant Wyatt nah I definitely recognized my NO baby Anthony also idk if you seen it but speaking of range Anthony was amazing in S2 of Altered Carbon

@themeanaswany he definitely does! he’s actually been in a few of netflix movies/shows in the past and recently — i saw his netflix film that came out earlier this year called “outside the wire” & it was pretty good. im really happy anthony mackie getting more projects under his belt because he’s an amazing actor!

zack synder's cut was the justice league movie we deserved. from the characterizations, to the plot development, to the ending scene... it's way better than the original — more fleshed out for the most part. though, them four hours ain't nothing to laugh at — my eyes burn.

@ironmanbitch literally! they were doing combo moves and everything. the avengers need to do better, they be fighting and arguing with each other too much.

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@-tonkinforgranted it was good but it took me two days to finish. we deserve a version of the avengers like that cause these mfs weren’t together a week and had their shit together and work so well as a team man.

just finished the first episode of tfatws and all i have to say is: sarah wilson is an icon & that ending scene is unacceptable

@-tonkinforgranted Oml I saw the ep the Wilsons scenes were the best part of the ep I swear I got a little more faith in the show after that first ep but I'm still scared when Emily shows up they about to have Sharon monopolizing screen-time and filling thei "female character quota" also absolutely after the little we got down in the boot I'm entirely too ready to ship Sarah Wilson and Jamie Barnes

@themeanaswany for the most part, i enjoyed her character and what they showed us so far about her life. there’s also rumors of her potentially being bucky’s love interest and even if she’s not, she’s still sam’s sister, so i feel like she’ll be in scenes a lot

@-tonkinforgranted Ngl I assumed the writers'd play tf out of Adepero/her character now I need to go get my Disney+ back and watch immedjiately

thank you for the follow :)

hey ya, it’s been a minute. i want to get back into writing, but im not into some of the things i used be into therefore some changes had to be made. which is why i am sad to say i unpublished my lucas scott fic, symphony. while i am somewhat attached to that plot, i haven’t watched an episode of oth in forever and i’m honestly not that interested anymore. maybe in the future i may republish & try again or even put it in my plot shop, but as of now it will remain unpublished.