
me oh my, glen powell can
          	run me over!!


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the amount of videos i have seen from students at apalachee high school has broken me. hearing everyone's stories shatters my heart. why do we keep letting this happen? why hasn't something been done about this? children should NOT be scared to go to school in fear for their lives. it's supposed to be a SAFE learning environment. it actually makes me sick to my stomach that this keeps happening and we say never again, but it happens again because we do nothing about it. nothing to prevent it. the school even received a call the morning of the shooting and completely disregarded it? what the actual fuck are we doing? something NEEDS to be done NOW. how is a 14 year old getting his hands on an assault rifle? i've read it was a gift from his parents. what the actual fuck does a 14 year old need an assault rifle for? this is DISGUSTING. i am broken in pieces for the families who don't get to see their children and praying for everyone involved. we need to to better. right fucking now.


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@TGTATB0 ,, no literally!!! and the fact that they wanna give teachers hand guns to carry around is insane to me. i know damn well no teacher wants to do that and THEY SHOULDNT HAVE TO IN THE FIRST PLACE. and even then, wouldn't there be a slight possibility that somehow a student could come in possession of their teachers hand gun? i'm not one to speak about my political views, but this is getting ridiculous and it's too easy for people to get guns. spencerwuah said it perfectly in his tiktoks bringing up the second amendment and how back then they were talking about the right to having a musket, not a fucking assault rifle. and like be so for real, what the fuck does ANYONE need an assault rifle for? why are people able to purchase them? WHAT REASON? this entire situation just makes me so uneasy and i'm embarrassed of our country.


no seriously like how have they not learnt???? like i refuse to believe america is a real place because WHAT??? one mass shooting is bad let alone more this year than days that have passed LIKE THATS INSANE. this has been an ongoing issue how do they not doing anything cause something seriously needs to be done. i couldn’t imagine having to go to school and worry about what may happen like ALL kids should be worrying about is like what they have for lunch or what they’re gonna do after school or smth silly like that 




@-tpwkiwi i followed you back bestieeeee now we can message and i can tell you all my ideas for the one shot book!!!


@-tpwkiwi let me know when you do so i can follow you back. cause i'm at workkkkk


wattpad, why are we still signing me
          out every single time i open the app.
          you've been doing this for months
          now please fix it 


i’ve figured out you just need to close the app and reopen it and you’re logged back in 


omg it’s so annoying 


omg it literally happened to me the other day and i swear my life flashed before my eyes. i am terrible when it comes to remembering passwords so hopefully they fix it soon ugh