
interact with @PRINCELYSAVESS please. i wanna use Haruki 


* causally chooses kaito * 
          I'm so bad at this so sorry qwq \\ 
          The brunette male glanced around with furrowed brows , Sheesh didn't he hate history ." Next thing I know I'll probably be when Elizabeth became queen." he scoffed , shifting his bag filled with potions to the back as he snuck around , peeking to the throne room as he cocked a brow " that's the king ? " He questioned no one exactly , his servant like clothing making him somewhat blend in with the rest .. when exactly there is a rest that is . 
          The boy zoned out for a minute as he tried to recall what'll occur on these times , that is until he snapped out and stared back at the king for solid five seconds , now realizing it he cussed under his breath.


            aki giggled "No No don't be quiet "  it was obvious the 2 are polar opposites
            kaito laughs quietly "It's up to him"


            It's alright , glad your back !\\
            " It's nice to meet you , Prince ." He spoke out after the other , bowing down fully before smiling as he lifted back up " don't worry , I will be as quiet as I'm dead ." 


            / i'm back sorrry /
            Aki tilts his head "what ?"
            kaito sighs "Harou he'll 
            be staying here"


          / i love it hun thank you :) /
          Aki looked at him and shook his head as he pushed his soft pink hair out of his face " No need to be so formal with me Kenma .   Kaito is the one who cares about the title .   Just call me Aki or anything really "  he have his usual soft smile 


          Also thanks for the follow! Feel free to chat / rp in my pms or mb ><!


            i guess .   i it’s have a slight temper sometimes so like 


            Awh so nice sometimes and sweet the rest ? I like that :3 


                              CB + specify 
                                   mood ,  
           character (Kaito or Aki or both)
            also anyone wanna reserve 
                 a lover spot for them?
                 or friend or something 


/ rough nsfw with kaito ? 


            / ok lover spot for Kai .   
            Fluff or NSFW for Aki ? 