
working on a chapter about fae and faery magick for witch 201 ♡


Hello! I was just wondering where you get your research from? Like are there any specific websites you use for information without buying books? Thanks! 


@-urbanwitch- Ah thank you!! I will definitely check these out! I’ve seen the Witch of Wonderlust, she’s pretty cool—but I have yet to come in contact with the others 


SO this is a great question! i basically scroll through Pinterest for ideas on what to research, and if there’s a website linked, i will read through it and compare it with my previous knowledge. some good websites i recommend are otherworldly oracle, spells8, and 13moons! on youtube i recommend the witches archive, the white witch parlour, and the witch of wonderlust!!


Dude, i just gotta say how much of a hep you’ve been while I’ve been learning about witchcraft. One of my friends recently told me they want to start learning, and I pointed them in the direction of your books because of how helpful they were. I really can’t thank you enough! <3


Thank you so much! I didn’t see this until now


Hi, I have been studying witchcraft for 2 years. I'm learning it alone, can someone be my friend? I need witch friends! Hola! 


I’d love to be your friend!


@nyxhera66 I'll be your friend ^^