
if anybody wants a follow back pls let me know! i will be more than happy to follow you back! ❤️ 


Author it’s been sooooo long I hope ur doing okay ! Why did u delete ur storiesssss ??  they were so good !! The best angst the best plot everything was just so good   I truly hope u are doing okay please update us about ur situation we are very worried abt u !!! And also if it’s okay with u tell us why u deleted ur story  Anyway like I said I truly hope u are doing okay I hope to see an answer (no pressure ofc don’t answer if u don’t’ want to)❤️❤️❤️


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I just wanna say that, it's freaking midnight right now and I just finished reading "dare", definitely will look like puffy shit tomorrow..... I cried a whole sea, still crying while typing this... Thank u for creating a beautiful but painful story author nim
          ( ◜‿◝ )♡
          *Still crying and sobbing mah heart out