I was wondering if you would like to do a read for read? Currently right now I am writing a story tiled Incredulous. You may or may not be into the type of story that I have been riding but to me that’s not what’s important what I really want is feedback on how the stories written in the pot in the detail so far and I know it’s not much to go on considering I have four chapters released but I could really use your feedback and instead of asking all my followers or my friends to tell me their honest opinions I’m asking random people because I feel like they would be more honest. I’ve also taken notice to how you have two different stories publish, both of which seem pretty intriguing to me and I’m willing to read whatever story you like or both if you want me to either way all I really ask if you have time is to check out my story and give me some honest feedback. You don’t need to feel inclined to vote or, in the story and less you want to or you could just post on my wall your feedback or p.m. me if you say no I’ll understand