hellooo another random question- not to be racist or anything but I’m wondering if there are any Asian ppl with curly hair out there? And I mean 3a/b curls not waves. Everyone in my grade is somehow convinced that Asians always have straight hair. Idk why some stereotypes ig but they always think I curl my hair. “You should stop curling your hair, it’ll ruin it. Plus straight hair looked so much better on you.” (I flat ironed my hair for the entirety of 6th grade. Without heat protectant. While it was WET. *hides in shame) Liek, BOI I WAS BORN DIS WAY. WHATCHU WANT ME TO DO LET MY HAIR BECOME FRIZZY AF Ight sorry for the rant but if you know anyone or you are someone, I’d like to know I’m not alone in this world lol

@buckactually oof I’m sorry it kind of slipped my mind cause I posted this super early in the morning

@-wxtchofchaos man, please specify if you mean only East Asian. Asian doesn't automatically mean East Asian.