
in lieu of the way this election has shaken out, it is likely i will be turning to writing now more than ever, the same way i did the first go around. it might not be this week, but be on the lookout for more updates ! i’ll need something tethering me to the earth so i don’t just float away :/


You alright Trin? You’ve been pretty quiet lately 


that’s so real actually lol. i’m studying in south korea !


Ofc! Where are you going to study abroad? I always check in on authors because I know most would rather respond to someone checking in on them vs those who as for updates constantly 


doing well !! i finally found some free time to finish up titan’s curse, and i really really want to have battle of the labyrinth out before i go abroad for the semester. i had an epiphany a few days ago that it is now officially the ten year anniversary from when i was first introduced to the percy jackson series and it gave me the motivation to get back to it. reading back through it reminds me of how much i love this series and i really appreciate you always being there and checking in 


in lieu of the way this election has shaken out, it is likely i will be turning to writing now more than ever, the same way i did the first go around. it might not be this week, but be on the lookout for more updates ! i’ll need something tethering me to the earth so i don’t just float away :/


I know most finals start pretty soon; so good luck 


I get it, I hope you did well on your exams


thank you !! yes, mine are finally over and i just got back home. i’ve got a lot to unpack over the next few days, but im hoping ill be able to start updating again soon. i’ve got a few errands to run for my mom today but ill see about posting a chapter or two later tonight ❤️


You doing alright? 


Girl, college is stressful, we all need someone to check in every now and then


@Hufflepuff_girl99 yes ! i ended up not having as much time over spring break as i'd planned on, but i'm gonna get a few chapters out tonight. march just flew by and before i knew it, it was april lol. while i can't promise to get the whole book out tonight, i'm gonna try to get a good few before i go to sleep
            thank you for constantly checking in on me, though. i really, really appreciate it <3


hey y’all ! sorry updates have been slow. college was kicking my ass for a bit, but i’m now on spring break ! i drive home after work tomorrow, so i’m hoping i can push out titan’s curse at the very least. the biggest thing stopping me before was the prologue bc i changed my mind on it so many times but now that i’m happy with it and it got posted, i can start getting into the good stuff
          be on the lookout for lots of updates this week ( hopefully, sometimes you can’t trust me as far as you can throw me lmfao ) ! i will. hopefully 
          k that’s all i love you guys i’ll let you know once i’ve arrived home safely 
          - xoxo, trin 


hey besties ! i mentioned a while ago ( and i do mean a while ago, literally on my first account ) that i was thinking about cross-posting all of my books on tumblr, just in case something happens and all of my books get deleted again
          it was sort of an off handed thought and i never actually went through with it, but now that i’m getting back into seriously posting, i’ve decided to go through with it ! i’m just a little paranoid everything is going to get deleted again, so at the very least there will be a second place for you all to go to, just in case i disappear randomly again
          ( i’m also kinda hoping it helps keep me to a schedule but that’s besides the point ) 
          anyways, i just wanted to let you guys know ! the @ is ( trinity-mia ) , the username i had for my old account. if you’d like to go follow that one, please feel free ! the content will pretty much be the same in terms of the stories, but i will be able to communicate with you guys a little better
          i’d also like to throw it out there that my old idea for a book that showcases scenes that don’t make it into the chapters that are published ( the book name will be “in between the tides” ) is still in the works. another good thing about me cross posting on tumblr is the fact that you guys can give me requests directly, and it especially pertains to this idea / story
          anyway ! that’s all i wanted to say. i might replace my ko-fi link with my tumblr one, but that’s a little up in the air rn. i’ll think on it lol 
          get some good sleep and drink lots of water ! i don’t have work this weekend, so be on the lookout for probably all of sea of monsters to get posted !
          ~xoxo, trin