
Even though no one will probably care to read this I just wanted to get something that has been on my mind for a while. I finally realized why Steve Rogers is my favorite character and Buck Barnes is my comfort character. It’s because I am in constant fear that my best friend is going to leave me. I’m here to the end of the line with my best friend but I don’t know if she is.


And Steve is my favorite because I think if that I like my best friend enough than maybe she will stay. And like Bucky if my best friend left me I wouldn’t hate her because I think I’m not good enough. Hope that makes sense. I Love everyone and I hope you have a great day


Hi there, I was just reviewing my adds, vote etc from the last month and saw you gave my fan fic Robin Singer an add. I wanted to say thanks so much for that. Not sure if you have gotten a chance to give it a look yet, but I hope you enjoy


Even though no one will probably care to read this I just wanted to get something that has been on my mind for a while. I finally realized why Steve Rogers is my favorite character and Buck Barnes is my comfort character. It’s because I am in constant fear that my best friend is going to leave me. I’m here to the end of the line with my best friend but I don’t know if she is.


And Steve is my favorite because I think if that I like my best friend enough than maybe she will stay. And like Bucky if my best friend left me I wouldn’t hate her because I think I’m not good enough. Hope that makes sense. I Love everyone and I hope you have a great day