the urge to read fanfiction is so real i swear i get an itch that does NOT go away until i read fanfics its actually crazy and it comes so unexpectedly too like i haven't read fanfics for almost a year but idk what happened it just overtakes anything im busy with
@ -theforceiswithme Well, if you try some of mine other than TBBT, I'd feel ELATED! I know, I think way too much outside the box, and that may be a problem. But the same itch you got to read, I get to write! ^^ If you want a sample of the craze, try the least... the more "acceptable" and smaller: Circe, The Old Ways, Freedom. If you like them or not, I'd still be happy about any fodeback. "I Should tell You" seems to be the only one people care about for some reason I don't understand.