
Once in a while (a lot of the time) I forget that what I read in fanfiction isn’t canon because I like the fanfiction better so when I was told Tim Drake became openly bisexual in the cartoons I was like “I thought that was common knowledge” aPPARENTLY NOT LMAO


Once in a while (a lot of the time) I forget that what I read in fanfiction isn’t canon because I like the fanfiction better so when I was told Tim Drake became openly bisexual in the cartoons I was like “I thought that was common knowledge” aPPARENTLY NOT LMAO


I occasionally get alerts from people commenting the monstrosity known as the meet and I find the rude ones so unbelievably funny. like sometimes I’ll get ones critiquing my writing saying how it’s unrealistic or something but like bro I was literally twelve  I’m so sorry you thought you’d get professionalism and proper research it’s a harry potter & percy jackson crossover fanfic with a panic at the disco reference in every chapter what were you expecting


y’all really telling me the meet is # 2 in Voldemort’s grandson,,, you think I’d be happy but tbh it’s lowkey annoying me bc if this happened a few years earlier I probably would’ve kept writing and would’ve saved me a few depressive episodes
          anyways my birthday’s on Saturday so I’m going to officially be too old 


uhhh I’m like eight episodes into the flash and I know Barry Allen is supposed to be a Science Dude but something about him has himbo energy. no I cannot explain
          also like a year ago I was like “ gonna b writing some actual stories no more fanfiction!1!1” but that absolutely did not happen and I genuinely haven’t written anything that wasn’t a paper for school or journalism article in 2-3 years. wtf is up with that 
          ig this is a lil apology for my deader than dead acc but mayb I might wanna write soon. Even fanfic again, idc. if anyone sees this advice/ideas are vvv appreciated :3 


I posted my first thing since I went through that whole intense revamp awhile back! I have been working on a lot of things actually but that’s the one I got around to posting first, since it’s more of a casual little thing I’m doing for myself. It’s basically just vent poetry, and I never edit unless I edit the moment after I write it, so it’s all basically raw emotion. I thought some parts were sorta cool so I sent screenshots to a good friend of mine, who said I should post them. So I did, because why not? Anyways, the next content you will see from me will either be another vent poem (or whatever you want to call that trash) or the first chapter of a cute little love story I came up with. It’s called ‘to make him cookies’ and I’m pretty proud with what I got so far (it’s mostly just the cover image but it looks really good coming from a simple editing app I’ve used since I was twelve). That’s all for now! Go give ‘stories of a seashell’ a read if the idea intrigues you :)
          All my love, 
          Maris ☀︎


Hey guys. I’ve been writing fanfiction for a long time, and I know I promised that I would finish them, but that’s obviously a lie. I don’t think I’m going to be able to finish them at all.
          It’s not that I’ve lost interest in the fandoms or in the stories, I just don’t have the time to frequently update. I also want to make myself a more mature writer and poet, and if I don’t tell my own stories I won’t be able to do that. I have so many ideas to share and stories to write, it would just seem like a waste of those ideas if I spend my time writing fanfiction instead of writing about my very own thoughts and creations. 
          So I guess what I’ve been trying to say is that I’m deleting all of my fanfictions posted. I’ll delete them tomorrow, if anyone wants to take time to read through the little bit I have written before they’re gone. 
          Maris :3