@000meow000 so I haven’t been on for awhile and I didn’t know I had an apprentice in ruddergrl's rp so I’m sorry about that but I’m back now
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So is having 100+ notifications my punishment for not being on wattpad
@000meow000 so I haven’t been on for awhile and I didn’t know I had an apprentice in ruddergrl's rp so I’m sorry about that but I’m back now
Thou art missed
@ruddergrl Hello, I did go inactive on this account, sorry. I made a new one, partially because I thought my old one might have been deleted after I hadn't used it in so long. I decided I wanted to return to Wattpad though, so here I am on a different account. To be honest, most of the reason I came back was because I missed a lot of people I met on here.
So is having 100+ notifications my punishment for not being on wattpad
Heyo it's Snowecho, this is my new account. :3
So me and my friend put up wallpaper stickers (They're these stickers that are made to go on the walls and come of easily so you can move them) and then then we got more a LOT more So my house is very colorful now Plus I had this huge pile of art I planned to put on my walls and I FINALLY got all that up :) Also when buying more wallpaper stickers we may have bought a f e w Halloween decorations and I may have put them up already What are you talking about there's d e f i n i t l e y not Halloween decorations in that window there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfhWot-DUlc&t=1s If you're in the Warriors Fandom you need to watch this. Not because it's cool, it's actually important. It's about some of the problems with warriors wiki, and it's important because a lot of people use that site as a resource.
I had no notifications for the past two days and then when I come online today I have twenty
I've been reading my old writing *dies of cringe*
Eek I wasn't on Wattpad for a while and now I have SO MANY NOTIFICATIONS. Give me a few years to go through them all XD What'd I miss while I was gone? Apparently there's this new update thing where writing on your wall gives everyone notifs? So sorry for annoying everyone
It’s something that Wattpad did on accident when trying to fix another glitch. They’re apparently working to fix it
Gasp Your background picture is adorable
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