
hi, this is dri.
          	i am planning to make a series soon. but it was unbeknownst to me, what colour would it be painted with. i had its rough sketch, but that's all i have right now. after spm ended, mine is on 24th of March, i expect myself to pick up a pen and start painting on this canvas. all i know, is that with all these new experiences i gained, i would want to make something that could make you FEEL.
          	p/s: if you're watching this, dear self, please do it as soon as you can. i would want myself to be able to enjoy doing what you like the most.


hi, this is dri.
          i am planning to make a series soon. but it was unbeknownst to me, what colour would it be painted with. i had its rough sketch, but that's all i have right now. after spm ended, mine is on 24th of March, i expect myself to pick up a pen and start painting on this canvas. all i know, is that with all these new experiences i gained, i would want to make something that could make you FEEL.
          p/s: if you're watching this, dear self, please do it as soon as you can. i would want myself to be able to enjoy doing what you like the most.


this is essential for those who followed and you, who are curious about the wonder of my discontinued books. 
          yes, that's right. i won't publish more content to any of the books i'm currently writing. no new poems. at least, until i published one with new poems which i will be gathering throughout my poetry years, and compiling it into one soul, binded by thread and printed on tree trunks. 
          it's been a dream of me to be a poet, and it's always a fantasy to think about my work being published in something you could sniff after you purchased it. and of course, i won't forget the community here, who are my first viewers on my pieces, probably enjoying (or not) in your room as you succumb into the world you create whenever you need escape from this one that you live in.
          poetry is what you perceive of it, what your mind thinks. there's no sole reason nor definitions for one string of words. it is what you make of it. whether it's positive or the opposite, that's what reflects your inner child underneath. i hope, you come to be who you expect you to be, and be happy with it. life is hard when you're displeased with what you want in your life.
          i would continue to be active on this platform, although mainly it is for my personal interest. i would constantly checking my other works and your comments in them. i do have plans for my other books that does not relate to poetry, but i'm unsure to publish as i'm very inconsistent with my schedule.
          thank you for reading,
          xoxo :)


happy birthday dearself :)


@bbokari- thank you love <3


@007-KM happy belated birthday! <33


@tasya_wayer thank you love <3