Hey, I know i have't updated in a long time but that's only because we've been moving like crazy the past year and the school I go to now is always busy. For example the week before last all I did was SAT and M Step testing for four days straight. We had that Friday off so I caught up on some Z's for most of it. Last week I actually started my classes cause our school goes by quarterly grades. Just the other day (Saturday the 22nd) my aunt's oldest went into labor and yesterday (7 weeks early) she gave birth to her first baby. Since I've called her mom since I was little she has given me another baby brother to tease and spoil. His name is Jerry and since his father and grandpa are also Jerry he is the third and I already decided i'm going to call him Baby J or Blue Jay, because his eyes are blue for now. So far he's doing great and hes got black hair while his eyes are a dark blue. According to the doctors his skin is a good color for being a preemie 7 weeks early. I can't wait to be able to hold him and be able to kiss his tiny little head. I'm also hoping that at least one if not both of his eyes are brown, but my cousin wants his eyes to be blue like his dads. Either way I still just want to be able to hear lil' Blue Jay try to say my name because little kids always mess up when they try to say it and it ends up being the most adorable thing ever when they scrunch their noses up in irritation and I can't help but laugh and have them call me something easier. I also just wanted to let you guys know that my tablet is frozen and I have only been on Wattpad when i get on it from my computer which is weird and I don't really have my story plans anywhere except foe my tablet so I might not update what you want me to until I get my tablet fixed. I will update today though so be on the look out for an update or two, maybe more I don't know yet.