
I’m alive for all those who are wondering. I’ve hit major writers block but I think that I finally see the light!! Hopefully I should be able to post the final chapters of TIEBYG In the next little while. Ive mostly been working on an old fan fic as of late and I’m trying to move it from paper to computer (3 full notes books later) so hopefully I’ll have some more for you soon! Also thank you for all the reads and stars I appreciate you and love you all 


I’m alive for all those who are wondering. I’ve hit major writers block but I think that I finally see the light!! Hopefully I should be able to post the final chapters of TIEBYG In the next little while. Ive mostly been working on an old fan fic as of late and I’m trying to move it from paper to computer (3 full notes books later) so hopefully I’ll have some more for you soon! Also thank you for all the reads and stars I appreciate you and love you all 


Posted the next chapter! It's my birthday tomorrow so this is my gift to you for being amazing and reading and going along this journey with me. Soon Evie and Steve and Bucky's story will be over and I will once again not know what to do with myself. So, enjoy this nearly 8000 word chapter! ILY all!


I have been working on the next chapter of that I would be your girl and I am so excited for you all to read it. Again we are coming close to the end and I am beyond excited to share it with you. 


Thank you so much 


@00Argentsilver00 i love that story I am behind my reads but can’t wait to catch up and know what happens next :) 


Hello everyone I am still around just been a crazy couple of months. I am working on that I would be your girl. Chapter is pretty much done just have a few little tweaks. We are close to the end and I’ve been procrastinating cause I don’t want to be done the ride. I have lots of things in the works I have an original rom com that has been tickling my Brain a smidge lately. Anywho… love you and thanks for reading 


@00Argentsilver00 that´s why I decided to make a sequel :D Couldn´t let go of the characters :D


@00Argentsilver00 :) can’t wait lol I love the story. 


Working away on the next chapter of that I would be your girl. I’m excited to share it with you all. Also, it your interested I have a playlist for this book. You can find it in Spotify and Apple Music. (In case you didn’t know each chapter title is a song) Enjoy!! Link is in my linktree. 


@00Argentsilver00 Ooooh I love Playlistst to Books *-*


Ok so I know I’ve said this before but I have the new chapter in the works. I scrapped pretty much the whole thing and started fresh because I wrote myself into a corner and I gave up. So after much time thinking about it I figured it out. Hopefully if all goes well it should be up sometime this weekend. 


          New chapter is done my beta has got to once over for me to fix any stupid spelling errors and nonsensicle trains of thought. It should be posted this weekend so keep your eyes peeled. Once again thank you for all of the reads.
          New ADCU one shout should be coming along sometime soon as well I have a few in the works and the first Chapter of my New AU Kylo fit is done "Dust on the Wind" I want to get a few more chapters under my belt before I post it.
          I love you all and thank you for all of the support.


It’s been a while. The holidays and I’ll was took it’s toll but things are starting to get back in schedule. Just posted a new one shot to my ADCU one shots have another that is nearly done. Have the next chapter of TIWBYG nearly complete and I have a Kylo MC AU in the works first few chapters are done. So look out 2023 here I come!!