@ShadowOfPeace ✨✨✨✨ I got Riley to read Six of Crows w/ my references, I think. sUpPoSeDLy ThEyRe oN tHe ONLiNe VeRsioN oF cRoOkEd KiNgDoM-
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@00DemonBoii00 search "Lorax watch online free" and a ton of links'll pop up. I'm too lazy to find a functioning one myself, but skip the big company links- if worst comes to worst, youtube is a lifesaver- tYsM tHaT sTuFf iS pAiNfULLy MiNd KiLLiNg- I aLrEaDy HaVe sTrEsSeD, StReTcHeD, aNd LiMiTeD bRaiNcELLs- dOnt HuRt ThEM MoRe eLa- also it's nice to see someone who still believes in their dream. Most of the people I go to school with just... let their dreams wither away. It was sad. I never had a dream in the first place, bc I'm a realistic child (fuck you disney. you too nickelodeon. I may not become a princess or popular, but I /will/ find me a dream-) so I'm immune to that, bUt iTs iNdPiRiNg- :D Darling I'm already the star ✨✨ You and Riley can strut that carpet, but I'll be working at a job to help my dad with paying and calculating taxes, sO hE hAs MoRe FrEe TiMe AnD i CaN gEt MoRe BoOkS- iM a SiMpLe GiRL aFtEr aLL- bOoKs, WiFi, HaRvArD cOmMaS, FaN CrEaTiOnS, AnD bAsiC hUMaN nEcCeSiTiEs ArE aLL i ReQuiRe-
@ShadowOfPeace Okay, so I gtg but, like, I'll ttyl hopefully! Also, ikr, bleck- Also, I will once I find someone who owns the movie. Mhm, wOrtHy oF....actually idk either lol- Also, probably not but, he's a GoD in figurative senses i love him lol- aLsO tHe DiFfErEnCe iS a NoUn iS a PeRsOn pLaCe oR tHiNg wHeReAs a AdJeCtiVe iS a MoDiFiCaTiOn oF tHe NoUn. Like new is the adjective in this sentence whereas house is the noun: John lives in a new house. bOoM bOoM. Also ty, I knew about animetake.tv but noth the other one- sO nOw iM iN yOuR DeBt aCtuAlLy :D aLsO i wIlL aNd yOu aNd rIleY wILl bE rIgHt tHeRe wItH mE oN tHe rEd cArPeT✨ ✨ We'Ll bE tHe StaRs oF tHe sHoW hOnEy