
Hello, to anyone that might actually see this lmfao.
          	I hope you're all well and that life has been treating you gently after all this time.
          	Apologies for disappearing off the face of the earth, as I usually tend to do. 
          	If anyone's interested, I don't post up on wattpad anymore but I do have an ao3, you can find me there under the same user 00spookyhornets00 !! 
          	Thank you to you guys that read my writings and interacted with me. You gave me something ti pour energy into, a creative outlet. When literally everything in my life fell apart, I fell back into writing and created escapism, even if it was only for a little while.
          	Thank you for helping me to find a way to gently cope with difficult things.
          	Take care of yourselves, okay?
          	You're so important and so loved.


Hello, to anyone that might actually see this lmfao.
          I hope you're all well and that life has been treating you gently after all this time.
          Apologies for disappearing off the face of the earth, as I usually tend to do. 
          If anyone's interested, I don't post up on wattpad anymore but I do have an ao3, you can find me there under the same user 00spookyhornets00 !! 
          Thank you to you guys that read my writings and interacted with me. You gave me something ti pour energy into, a creative outlet. When literally everything in my life fell apart, I fell back into writing and created escapism, even if it was only for a little while.
          Thank you for helping me to find a way to gently cope with difficult things.
          Take care of yourselves, okay?
          You're so important and so loved.


Hey, ik this is super random. But I thought of it randomly when thinking about the Slenderverse.
          What if someone found out about HABIT and Patrick’s past? (Like Firebrand or something)
          You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but it was just an idea


Alright, I’m looking forward to it! :)


@megan_malice aaaaaAAAH i was actually thinking about doing something like this!! That's such an idea,, keep an eye out for soon chapters,,
            We might go full throttle with this idea-


this message may be offensive
Just wanted to say it here; i have been really active on my instagram account orange.tuesday__
          But, Black Lives Matter.
          Happy Pride, stay safe, look after yourself and be proud of who you are.
          ACAB, fuck the system and please take care.
          I love you guys.


Hello all!!
          I apologise that this is more of a sombre post.
          I'm so sorry I've been so inactive- but I'm really not in the headspace to write.
          Too many things have happened right now for me to have the concentration or energy to write; I haven't even written any poetry or lyrics, nevermind prose.
          Recently, things have went extremely downhill, and I'm honestly unsure of when I'll be able to get any content up here again. It sucks, because I miss you guys and I miss writing.
          But for right now, I think I'm going to take a hiatus. I hope that I'll be back soon with more content for you guys, and that things level out.
          Thank you all so, so much for the memories and amazing times, and your continued support with everything i create.
          I love you guys, and I hope things have been okay for you.
          Until next time. ♡


@PatyMartinez26 thank you, friend!! I hope things are okay with you ♡ thank you endlessly


@RebeLilsD thank you so, so much ♡ it really means so much to me that you understand and that you're still here. Thank you so much, and I hope things are better for you ♡


@ 00SpookyHornets00  It's okay, take your time, friend!! ❤️


Hello, friends.
          I am sorry to say that I'm going to be taking a haitus until I get time again. A Levels are extremely pressurised and work heavy, especially considering I am doing 4 of them. 
          I have one study period in school, meaning most of my work has to be done outside of school hours, which has a knock on effect on my writing.
          I am unable to write, because I am dedicating all of my time to simply work and study.
          I am sorry that I am not sure how long I will be gone for, but I hope not long, I hope that the work load begins to even out.
          I miss you all, and I miss writing.
          Thank you ever so much for continuously supporting and reading my works, and for leaving the best, funniest, most uplifting comments for me to see.
          I love you all, and you've given me so much joy.
          Thank you, and until next time


@00SpookyHornets00 ♡♡ thank you endlessly


@ 00SpookyHornets00  Take your time, honey ❤️❤️ don't worry and good luck!!!


I'm so sorry I have been gone, friends.
          I have not been coping overly well with life circumstances right now, and sixth form is a massive added pressure.
          I apologise I have not been uploading or writing very much.
          I will come back, friends, when I am in a slightly better position to be able to write.
          Thank you endlessly ♡


@00SpookyHornets00 thank you so, so very much ♡


PLEASE, write a chapter about Facade, I love your writing and I really wanna see your perspective


@megan_the_dead_girl aw that really means the world!! Thank you so, so much for your kind words ♡♡ don't worry, i intend to keep writing content for this fandom for as long as I can!! I'm so happy to hear you enjoy what I write ;; thank you so, so much!!


Yeah :), also I hadn’t commented on your story cause my phone sucks. But congrats on the gf and coming out to your family! I’m sorry for your loss, though. I hope you keep making content for this fandom to enjoy because I really love your stories and usually share your story with people in the fandom I befriend! Take your time, though, I don’t wanna pressure you to update UwU


Hello everyone!!
          I apologise for dropping off the grid like that, with no explanation or warning.
          I am back, and will be uploading again soon!!
          Writing had to take the back burner for a while, I was focusing more on getting vent art because stuff was piling up again and sitting down to concentrate on a chapter was daunting, when I could barely focus on anything.
          I feel a lot better, and I will upload soon!!
          Thank you ever so much for sticking around and supporting- much love ♡♡ I hope today is good to you all!!