
What if I committed not alive in 47 minutes?
          	Not that I would
          	But imagine ur death certificate looking like this:
          	Date of death: 10/10/2020
          	Time of death: 22:22:22
          	Cause of death: 69 antidepressants
          	If I'm going down, in going down in the most meme worthy way


What if I committed not alive in 47 minutes?
          Not that I would
          But imagine ur death certificate looking like this:
          Date of death: 10/10/2020
          Time of death: 22:22:22
          Cause of death: 69 antidepressants
          If I'm going down, in going down in the most meme worthy way


Who else blasts songs from 2012 because then you weren't traumatized and hadn't went through the mental abuse of your father ignoring your presence yet paying attention to your older brothers to the point that you only just have a seli-stable relationship with them because they had something that you never had and as soon as you tried to have a stable relationship with your mom she tried to off herself but she thinks it's all okay now and you can still smile and laugh but you really just want to die right now but you can't because then social services will get involved again so you're just stuck in this spiralling tunnel of wanting to die but you know you can't do that to people who actually care about you but still make fun of the fact that you flinch at loud noises and the fact that you act like everything is okay even though every time when you cross the railway crossing on the way to school you just want to stand there and get hit?