
Hope you will like it Thank you :) 


Hiiii dear ❤️
          How are you doing today?~~:)(:~~~~~~~~~~
          ✓Important thought of the day:-
          "Be happy in your own hope,stand your ground when you're in trouble and devote yourselves to prayer"
                                ----HATE & LOVE ✨----
          Isn't it beautiful like when you hate someone you do it with your heart and when you love someone it's unconditional ❤️. A person can't live without eigther love not with hate eigther.
          Sun is in morning but moon in night. There is a thin line between it. If someone can learn to hate so love comes naturally. Don't live your life with regret because in end nobody have to live here so instead of lies, hate and fake feelings we should have true,love and real feelings. Someone said that you act good one day it will come back to you ❤️. So let me tell you one story there was this girl and boy they hated eachother with a passion but when they stopped teasing eachother they felt like nothing and after many months they came together and they're happy so I hope you got it that life is so small do what you love and forgive the person ❤️. Eventhrough me and my brother fight alot but in end we come together and he have to give me a chocolate. If you think nobody is there for you than you're wrong as God is seeing you and God is for you ❤️.he gives you a test and will give you solution too if you fight and give your test truthfully ❤️
          ✓Drink water and do a little bit exercise
          ✓ eat your meals on time
          ✓ do a laughing exercise
          ✓ stay safe and healthy.
          ✓Smile bright ❤️
          ti amo,cara( I love you dear)
          Sei bello( you're beautiful)
          Have a great day ❤️


Hii dear ❤️
          How are you doing today?~~~~~~~~~~~~~
           ✨✨✨✨✨✨ SELF-LOVE ✨✨✨✨✨✨
          We always say that noone loves us or nobody talks to me or we're very insecure about it.........
          Than I have to say it's normal to feel like it because we can't be best all time but we shouldn't be sad or feel low everytime because nobody wants that you should feel low not even me. One thing I have to say is you're that beautiful angel by God so you don't need anyone's reminder about being beautiful because you already are. Now go in front of mirror and admire yourself. See ya I told you that you look beautiful ❤️. You're blush is good one I can see it from your mobile screen ✨.
          You know that moon alone in night is bright so you are moon too. You're moon in someone's life and you make their life perfect as heaven ❤️. Don't compare yourself because I know you're good soul so why doubt it. You're parents, bestie and most importantly god loves you.... It's okay to have bad days but don't give up ☺️. I am here for you too ❤️. You know I look at myself in mirror every single time and blush at myself ✨. I know it's childish but what can I do ?. I got two icecream bars yesterday so one is mine and the other is yours.
          Important reminder:-
          ✓Drink lot's of water
          ✓stay safe and healthy
          ✓smile bright
          ✓ take care of yourself
          ✓ eat your meals on time don't skip it
          ✓ do exercise or yoga 
          ✅ You're a angel made by God so please don't think you're not important ☺️ . So let's have a cup of coffee/tea/or anything you like 
          Te amo, hermosa.✨✨( I love you beautiful❤️)
          Eres bonita✅( you're pretty)
          Bye have a great day ❤️


Hiiii dear ❤️ how are you???
          Important reminder ✅✅
          I) You're not alone because God is with you, your parents, bestie and me for sure.
          II) Who said you're not kind because in your rude or cold behaviour also there is love.
          III) You can do what you love and you're my motivation.
          IV) You're light to my darkness so please be in my life like a queen you're or a king but please.
          V) You're laugh is so beautiful like your soul ❤️.
          VI) You're so beautiful and pretty.... you're blush is like a magic for me.
          VII) If you're my coffee than let me be the sugar in it.
          VIII) Life is incomplete without you so you ma'am or sir please smile.
          IX) Like moon you have your glow....Can I be ⭐ Star.
          X) Don't doubt yourself your doing good because I believe you.
          Have a great day ❤️
          Smile ✅
          Beautiful ✅
          Lovely ✅
          Nice soul ✅
          Angel ✅
          I love you ( singing and dancing)✨✨✨✨
          You're a damn queen/king so rock it ❤️


Thankyou for the follow ❤️
          Have a great day ❤️
          Stay safe and healthy ❤️
          Smile bright like sun and moon ❤️ don't compare yourself because your unique and be happy in every situation possible ❤️




رواية جميلة تستحق المتابعه  دمج من اروع روايات ع واتباد عربي+English
          ممكن متابعه+تصويت +تشجيع 
          English and Arabic Novel
          Written by: Sarah Al-Obaidi