
Omg I love you guys, when I see you out my story in your reading list, it gives me so much motivation. 
          	Lately I'm not gonna lie, I feel empty. My life's been and still a rollercoaster. My relationship with my mom is very difficult and if you guys read LMSYTT, saw that I met someone and honestly it's complicated between me and him, and yeah first time falling for a guy lol, before I honestly thought I was just gay, guess I wasn't aware of who I was completely, so yeah I'm pansexual, i always thought so but yeah. I think I'm gonna make a book that will be like a diary... you guys would like it? Anyway i stop the rambling, I love you.


Omg I love you guys, when I see you out my story in your reading list, it gives me so much motivation. 
          Lately I'm not gonna lie, I feel empty. My life's been and still a rollercoaster. My relationship with my mom is very difficult and if you guys read LMSYTT, saw that I met someone and honestly it's complicated between me and him, and yeah first time falling for a guy lol, before I honestly thought I was just gay, guess I wasn't aware of who I was completely, so yeah I'm pansexual, i always thought so but yeah. I think I'm gonna make a book that will be like a diary... you guys would like it? Anyway i stop the rambling, I love you.


          I needed some time for school, and I had to put Wattpad at last. 
          Oh and uhm, my muffins... 100 VIEWS ON LMSYTT ?! THANK YOU <333
          And lastly I am very happy to tell you I won 3rd place for Lucjy Charm Award in Marichat category!!!
          Next Chapter soon~


Remember the Chapter i was suppose to post yesterday? well... let's say that at 21h00 or 9pm (depends where you live) i'll update Chapter 5!
          spoiler, the chapter is called; They care about me, not her
          see ya soon my Muffins <3


Hi my muffins... 
          I'm really sorry, I was supposed to update LMSYTT tonight, but I have a cold and I have some fever.
          I promise, the next chapter will be out soon <3
          Ps: Did you guys watch Squid Game? It's so good, and 067 is damn fine-


@07h71am you are very welcome hun ❤️


It’s ok hun and take your time I’m loving it so far❤️


35 actual human read L.M.S.Y.T.T ?! Thank you so much my muffins, I really appreciate.
          I also wanted to say, I start school today (and it is actually 1:21am and I'm still not sleeping) so maybe I'll update the story more slowly, I apologize in advance.
          See ya soon my muffins <3


@07h71am just the fact you are intrested in the story makes me happy bestie! I hope you'll like it and if you have any question, dm's me ^^


@07h71am I haven't started it yet, I'll start tomorrow !!