
Hey everyone,
          	If you're interested, I just posted a Goth!Daisy Johnson cosplay on. Y Instagram. The user is the same as here -- whentheskyequakes ;)
          	If you do choose to check it out, I hope you enjoy it :) ❤️ Thanks!


Just a heads up:
          I'm currently accepting requests for a beta reader, story cover designer, and / or prompts. 
          If you need a beta reader, I'm open. Just as long as the story is under any of the fandoms I've listed in my profile, I'd be more than happy to edit it for you!
          If you'd like a story cover, just message me with the fandom, character specifics, title, and a color scheme. No charge, I just ask that you give me credit in the story. 
          And finally, if you have a prompt you'd like filled, just shoot me a message. I of course have the right to deny certain aspects, but as long as it's under my fandom's list, I'll likely be alright with it :) 
          Thanks guys!!!


Who are the people in your pfp?


Cool! I love that TV show 


Fitz and Simmons from Agents of SHIELD. :) I designed them myself off of the EW photo shoot from a while back, which is why it might not look like them all that much ❤️ 


I know what I said like a week ago, but whatever! I made it  
          Congrats to mainly.marvel (instagram) for taking first place!!!  Your one shot was beautifully written with some of the best grammar I've seen through this comp 
          And second place goes to @thebloodycosmos on Wattpad! Their collection of FitzSimmons one shots is adorable - you should really check them out ☺️
          Also congratulations to aos_is_life (Instagram) for their series of entries! Though I was saddened to find they were deleted, they were really excellent pieces of writing 
          And those are my top three, though I must say it was a REALLY tough call! Great work to all the other participants - you put up a fair fight!  Great job everybody  
          Winners can DM me their prompts / edit specifications, and I'll hop right on it  Thanks again! 


Fanfic Contest!!!!        June 28th to July 8th
          Open to ALL Marvel fans following @WhenTheSkyeQuakes 
          • DM me to let me know you're in :D
          • All stories must be posted with the tag #atsafanficcomp or DM'd to me by July 8th
          • Romance allowed, but keep it clean! No slash or incest. 
          • Fandoms include MCU, Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD. No Netflix originals, sorry!
          Based on grammar, proper punctuation and characterization. AUs are permitted as long as there are no overloads of OCs. No OOCness, no OC pairings
          3rd place - shoutout and edit / icon
          2nd place - shoutout, edit / icon and Drabble
          1st place - shoutout, edit / icon and 2K+ one shot on prompt of your choice!!!
          Hope to hear from you all soon! :D