
Thank you so much for the follow!


@09876554332abx Are you referring to SKYFALL when you say that you "prefer The Puppeteer more" or to THE TSAR? ❤️
            You will certainly see their relationship develop in book #2 - The Puppeteer covers a time span of only five days, so I couldn't give them a full blown love story in such a short time - it wouldn't have felt right somehow.


@The_Mafia_Gal I've done read it..but I prefer the puppeteer more..can we expect Alexei n Sophie become normal couple in the sequel


@09876554332abx Aw, thank you, I'm so glad that you liked it! I'm currently working on the sequel. It's in early stages (first draft), but once I've finished it and done a couple of rounds of editing, I'll move it to my main profile.
            If you like to take a peek at the early version, it's on my old editing profile @LaurelineDucros where it's being published as The Tsar (just mind you, it isn't "beautified" yet, so it really depends on your reading habits whether you want to slog through early version of the story or rather wait for the more polished one).
            Sending you lots of love from Paris!


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