
Sunrise:- And here we have our friend, Monty Gator.. 
          	Monty:- *in the middle of a conversation* WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW OIL IS FLAMMABLE?!
          	Sunrise:- He survives on two neorons, and a cup of Monty-Mix, but he's a great guy! :D


Sunrise:- And here we have our friend, Monty Gator.. 
          Monty:- *in the middle of a conversation* WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW OIL IS FLAMMABLE?!
          Sunrise:- He survives on two neorons, and a cup of Monty-Mix, but he's a great guy! :D


Sunrise:- Very fair point.. I've gotta say, its a very complicated solution, that needs to be discussed with at LEAST 12 other professionals in this matter.. I'd say it's a lot easier if you get the point of veiw of multiple people.. But MY opinion is... Sorry, what was the question..?
          Monty:- ... What's your favourite colour..?
          Sunrise:- Oh.. Oh, its red! *smiles*


Frustratea de a nu putea scrie despre animatronii din FNAC pentru ca Emil nu a lansat încă jocul, și nu ști ce animatroni trebuie sa apară unde, și care trebuie sa fie plotul principal, care să-l leg de plotul meu, ca să aibă sens!
          Ba!... Voi știți ca lui Rat ii plac bomboanele? ꙬꙬ
          Gen, ii plac mult bomboanele.. Mai ales alea cu gust de zmeura albastra.. Ați auzit de aroma aia..? Am energizant cu gust d-ala.. Dar gen.. Aia e preferata lui.. Ꙭ
          Rat IUBEȘTE bomboanele.. O bomboana, ca să fiu clara.. Bomboane albastre.. ꙬꙬꙬ
          Adică no, dacă bomboanele ar fi fost destul de curajoase sa recunoască ca le place de Rat, atunci și Rat ar fi putut să-si dea seama ca-i plac bomboanele cu mult înainte.. Dar abea acum a aflat și el că-i plac bomboanele, pricepeți? ꙬꙬꙬꙬꙬꙬ 
          Abea acum le-a gustat.. Ꙭ
          Chiar nu pot sa o fac mai evidenta de atât...


          Moondrop/Sunrise:-  ....?
          Moondrop:- What kind..? *extremely calm*
          Kid:- ... Uh.. A ghost..?
          Sunrise:- Uh, is it a boy or a girl..?
          Kid:- ... Uuh..
          Moondrop:- Sunny, don't feed the kids with gender norms.. *looks at the kid* Look, just tell them to leave, they usually listen..
          Sunrise:- And offer a spoon of honey.. *gives the kid some honey* Dead people love sweets..
          Kid:- .... *leaves with the honey*
          Sunrise:- I love teaching kids monsters aren't scary..
          Moondrop:- Nightmare is gonna rip our heads off..
          Sunrise:- Meh.. *drinks tea*