
Advice to all whom want to write poems , poem is not a story poem is not something you wait till it comes out , no , poem is something that comes out you ask for it or not , being a Poet takes a lot of things to get from life , so if you are young like me , dont even try siting writing poems if it takes more then 15 min , because poem should write it self it should take control of your hands there  you are just the tool of the feeling . so yes ,  poetry comes when it wants not when we want .


Advice to all whom want to write poems , poem is not a story poem is not something you wait till it comes out , no , poem is something that comes out you ask for it or not , being a Poet takes a lot of things to get from life , so if you are young like me , dont even try siting writing poems if it takes more then 15 min , because poem should write it self it should take control of your hands there  you are just the tool of the feeling . so yes ,  poetry comes when it wants not when we want .