"Timelines" is undergoing some editing. It's a big cringe-fest right now. I have to figure out a better plot for it and better reasoning for why it's called "Timelines." This is going to be my third time republishing it, but I honestly hope it will be my last time doing this. I've been restless of how cringey it is, I've been up all night banging my head against the wall because of how awful this story was. Don't worry! It won't be like the first Wolverine or Sharknado. "Human?", "Mangle's Mischief Adventures," and "Adventures in High School" are still staying up. Maybe I'll re-post "Will it End?", my first FNAF story. I planned on writing some stories for Tokyo Ghoul, Siren's Lament, K, Markiplier, Supernatural, and some stories of my own that are fandom-free. I may do a story with all my O.C.s. But first, I'm planning on completing "Timelines" and "Human?" first. :) Stay tuned!
I've been less active because it's towards the end of summer. School for me starts August 22. I think the Friday before for me because of Freshman orientation, but I'm not so sure just yet. Bare with me.
"The Dreamers," I have some writer's block right now. I think I'll get some ideas. I'm brain-dead right now because of summer break, but that will change.
~PirateHeart08 (Fire_N'_Gold)