
Got my first computer but the keyboard I currently have is really hard for me to type on and the on I ordered will in a couple of months but once it’s here I will be back to writing


Probably gonna take a while to update because I’m really mentally struggling at the moment and have a lot of physical stuff happening that also overwhelming me. Taking things one step at a time to hopefully lessen my anxiety. I’m very thankful to people who have stopped and took time to read my book and I promise I’m still active it’s just hard to write when everything is a mess right now because the last thing I want is that mess to me transferred to my books. <3


Dear reader,
          Thank you for adding my book "Love Us, Master|18+" to your reading list. ❤️
          Warning - This book contains steamy, erotic sex scenes, strong language and other mature themes. I do not advise anyone under 18+ to read this book. If you still going to then please give this link a read then take your decision. (I am not encouraging those under 18 to read it but I know some just ignore warnings, so I just want you guys to genuinely give thought to things I said in the linked post.)
          I hope you like it. Feel free to vote, comment & follow as well if you'd like to. 
          Happy reading!