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; gotta say , THIS PRICE has a different view on interrogation ( cough cough torture cough ) than what's normalised in the games . realistically , torture is NOT a useful means of acquiring information , which takes months to years , and is mainly used to create false confessions and incite fear / control within communities . it is a cruel and sadistic means of entertainment that MY price DOESN'T partake in , nor does he have the time to waste on something that isn't effective , as much as he'd enjoy using someone as a punching bag his morals are still fucked , don't get me wrong , he's not a good person </33
&. everybody listen up.
“ i know you’re holding back . you want me left buried in an undisclosed location just as much as anyone else on your damn team . ”
@gravesco ' you're a dramatic twit , aren't you ? ' whatever graves wanted out of such a confrontation , the captain refused to rise to the bait , though he could appreciate the man's straightforward behaviour . ' it'd be rather detrimental to our work . regardless of what you believe , commander , we don't all think of you day and night . '
OMNI-MAN : what are you doing?
㇁ it's okay!! c: * THIS BEING, one of power and anarchy. he hovered, airborne in the moment, red cape afloat behind him. eyes are cold, icy, fierce as nolan stares this man down like a hunting predator. despite his threatening gaze, he is just assessing. * really, an hour? i'm running later than i thought.
@vltrumitpwr ; sorry for the late reply <33 with over twenty years of service under his belt , the captain neither shrieked nor jolted away from the sudden voice . gun raised , he whirled on the stranger with a well-practiced ease , and keen eyes honed in on a familiar emblem . he'd only seen it in reports and digital screens , but there was no mistaking it ; omni-man . price holstered his gun ; no doubt the m19 , nor any tool on his person , would so much as scratch the super . ' waiting on my ride . if you're here for the action , i'm afraid you've missed it by an hour . '
this is a federal agency's business——i suggest you leave.
@seergift ; it's just her enrichment , i'm not worried <33 ' captain john price of the sas , ' he gave a nod as a means of greeting , arms crossed over his vest , as he surveyed the scene behind her , unbothered by her jabs . keen eyes flicked to the presented badge and back , and while he understood her argument , the captain remained in place . ' if this was simply a paranormal operation , i'd be happy to leave this in your capable hands , agent estevez — however , intel has it that a high priority terrorist group has gotten themselves involved . the way i'm seeing it , either our teams work together , or we get in eachothers way . '
unless YOUR superiors people are used to dealing with the paranormal──then i suggest you stand aside, regardless of what your people tell you. [ not budging one bit, vanessa holds up her badge. ] agent vanessa estevez of the federal bureau of control. we're taking this over from the fbi.. so, i suggest you take your big boy pants and turn around and let me handle this. / ignore her attitude she can be so rude sometimes sigh
@seergift ' i'm afraid i can't do that , ma'am . ' the captain offered a polite smile , too used to the less than welcoming environment within both the cia and british army to be discouraged . he had orders of his own , regardless of said agency's plans . ' you'll have to take it up with my superiors if there's an issue , and i doubt the cia will budge .'
“ you look worried captain — did something happen ? “
@IINVINCIBLES ' ah , ' keen eyes searched the other's face , as if to find some hidden motive or double meaning , always on alert despite the person or place . it was nothing against mark , of course . ' cheers . i'll be better once this op is wrapped up , and onto the next shitshow . i appreciate the thought regardless . . . care for some cheap base coffee ? i was just on my way to the canteen , wouldn't mind the company . '
@0LDM4N “ need ? no , i just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing , “ he replied honestly , mark felt safe around the older man having gradually warmed up to his presence . “ guess i wouldn’t really be able to listen to top secret problems , but . . . i guess if there’s anything i can help with just let me know . “
@IINVINCIBLES the man in question scrubbed a hand down his face with a sigh , before he turned to the other , a smile at his lips despite the visible stress . ' the specifics are confidential , son , but aye , just facing some complications . did you need anything ? '
; gotta say , THIS PRICE has a different view on interrogation ( cough cough torture cough ) than what's normalised in the games . realistically , torture is NOT a useful means of acquiring information , which takes months to years , and is mainly used to create false confessions and incite fear / control within communities . it is a cruel and sadistic means of entertainment that MY price DOESN'T partake in , nor does he have the time to waste on something that isn't effective , as much as he'd enjoy using someone as a punching bag his morals are still fucked , don't get me wrong , he's not a good person </33
Why’d you ask for me instead of Ghost. Can’t be that serious ..
Idle hands fiddle with his sniper, inspecting every nook and cranny to regulate himself. Familiar task brings much needed comfort, as he finally casts a glance over at his superior. Black, worn out balaclava hides his true emotions, unable to gauge what he’s conveying on the outside. “No sir. No reason at all. I’m up for the task; mind giving me a few more details.”
@7s2live ' by all means , if you believe you're not up to the task , just say the word . ' and while the captain would need additional reasoning on why he couldn't , be it physical or mental , price would do what he could for the good of both the team and the mission . within reason . ' any reason why i shouldn't ask for you , ilya ? '
; eats his cigar like a chocolate bar , CB FOR ONE-LINERS all fandom / ocs welcome , no knowledge of the games needed sporadic activity , literate rp only , semi-selective
; if only british people existed in real life </3
@ethernet- ; i've made a severe lapse in judgement , and would like to formally apologise for my despicable behaviour
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