
Actually. I'm not so up with uploading them onto my original account. So, I shall keep the two books on this one. ^ ^ It'll cause less of an inconvenience to all. Okay, well. c: Thank you all! <3
          	- DoubleDigits


@Loveisevolbackwards I'll miss you too, darling! Please enjoy the books! :)


I didn't know about that until today. Jfc. x'D Sorry, guys. But I'm not going to control this account. ^^ I'll be moving the books onto my account and hope for the best. Please continue to read her stories and all of that stuff. Thank you for this awesome journey! <3 My original account is "DoubleDigits". Have a lovely day! 
          - Last Day As Number One


Hey, loves! Number Two here! Alright, I told you all earlier, but Colored Blood is now on my separate account! I'm so sorry, but I have my reasons for moving it. The new updates for Twelve, Living the Madness, Colored Blood, and Twenty-One Ways will be on the other account! I love you guys! Thank you for understanding. This will be my last A/N as 'Number Two' Haha. Yeah, I know. I just can't do this whole... ordeal thing anymore. Hopefully, it's understood by ALL of the lovely readers who showed me endless support!
          -Number Two's last A/N


Thank you, loves! You really don't have to, but thank you! By the way, Izzy, WRITE YOUR BOOK! I NEED TO SEE IT! I'LL HAPPILY HELP YOU OUT WITH IDEAS <3


I have a request for you guys! <3 So, a friend of mine is just starting to write a book, and you know how hard it is to start off fresh and new. Right? xD So, I was going to ask if you guys would follow them and give them feedback on their new book that is coming out! :o Would mean a lot for them, and for me. <33 Please be courteous and kind to them. Their user is @BirdieBird789. <33 Anyways, to your guy's questions, I would kindly help out. However, I don't know what Number Two is doing. She hasn't gotten back to me in quite.. Awhile. Which, doesn't bother me, as I know she is busy. Just like me. However, I would help with whatever she needs help with. But, I need permission to do so. ^^ Thank you all fro the lovely messages. <33 My lil' angels. <3 Have a good night, babes!!!! 
          - Number One. <3


@BirdieBird789  Didn't know the periods got in it. ;w; My bad! <3 There is the user. Follow and read on for wonderful stories! <333 c:


Hey my lil' lovelies!~ Guess who it is? <33
          If you guessed Number One then correct! -Throws popsicles.- I'm now back for now! I will make random appearances for some time. And I apologize for that. Schools just busy as hell. ;-; I am doing so much work, and now high school is coming up and just goddamn school! >-> Anyways. I  thank you so much for giving Number Two your undying support  and love. For, I'm happy that you did that. Thank you, lil' loves. Angels. Gah. I missed callin' you guys that. <33 Anyways, thank you! Love ya' so much, guys. 
          - Number One. <3


Hey, loves! 
          Number Two here. Number One and I are in contact RIGHT NOW. Literally, as I'm typing this. She will be returning eventually. She doesn't know when, but she will.  I want to thank you guys for supporting me and allowing me to write slowly. Now, we will be getting to faster updates in about a month or so. We both love you guys so, so, SO much! 
          -Number Two


          Number Two here. <3 So, on chapter 13 of Colored Blood, I got some comments saying that Indigo and Aleena should date. Should that happen? Anything for you loves!
          -Number Two


Wow. That was quick. XD Alright loves. I'll do it for you. Loveisevolbackwards gave me the idea of Alindigo, so I'll use that ship name. I'll work on it! In fact, I may have the plot already figured out. Thanks, loves!
            -Number Two