
So now that the summer event is in full bloom, how's everyone's pulls coming along? I'm definitely satisfied now that I have Summer Sakura fully MLB for that sweet sweet lobby backdrop with over 20k gems left and enough gold tickets to (hopefully) get one copy of Summer Anis since I wasn't able to get her last year. For those of you pulling for Sakura, good luck. I'm sure she'll come to you soon. For those of you pulling for Rosanna, hold strong, I'm sure your patience will be rewarded! 
          	Gotta say the new mini game with Dave the Diver is much more addicting than I thought. If only it wasn't time limited though :(


@ 0SRatz  just waiting for Rosanna scince I got Sakura after 20 pull and scince I already have the other summer caracthers 


@0SRatz I’m waiting for Rosanna to come out and then I’ll try and get a copy of Mary and Neon. Then I’ll definitely be trying to mlb both Rosanna and Sakura


@ 0SRatz  I'm going for one of each, I already got a sakura


@0SRatz Then more I think on it, the more it actually makes sense that (most of) the goddess squad was the first to go cuckoo on us. The ever-so loneliness of the surface, not to mention the several mind switches, it would make them crazy to have someone they became close to go through a near death experience and would make them want to keep them close to theirselves for the rest of their lifespan. Now let’s hope Snow White will keep some of her sanity, after all, she has saved our life multiple times, and she does have to take Marian with her in chapter 14 (or 15, can’t remember the exact chapter it was)


Haha, glad to hear it brother! I’m definitely excited as well, I feel like there’s an out of potential for things to branch out from this point so I’m currently trying to plot out which path to take. Either way, I think it’s going to one every one will enjoy!


@0SRatz My point is, you once again cooked up an amazing chapter, and I can’t wait to see what’s next!


So now that the summer event is in full bloom, how's everyone's pulls coming along? I'm definitely satisfied now that I have Summer Sakura fully MLB for that sweet sweet lobby backdrop with over 20k gems left and enough gold tickets to (hopefully) get one copy of Summer Anis since I wasn't able to get her last year. For those of you pulling for Sakura, good luck. I'm sure she'll come to you soon. For those of you pulling for Rosanna, hold strong, I'm sure your patience will be rewarded! 
          Gotta say the new mini game with Dave the Diver is much more addicting than I thought. If only it wasn't time limited though :(


@ 0SRatz  just waiting for Rosanna scince I got Sakura after 20 pull and scince I already have the other summer caracthers 


@0SRatz I’m waiting for Rosanna to come out and then I’ll try and get a copy of Mary and Neon. Then I’ll definitely be trying to mlb both Rosanna and Sakura


@ 0SRatz  I'm going for one of each, I already got a sakura


So is everyone ready for the summer event? I think I’m going all in for Sakura just to get that wallpaper, even if her kit doesn’t end up being very good. Not that I’m uninterested in Rosanna but I’m pretty sure you can tell who I prefer between the two. Gotta say, those skins have got me acting real unwise, especially that Guilty skin! 
          Next chapter is coming soon, Currently about 85-90% done and sitting at 18.3k words. Hoping to get it in before the end of the month so be on the lookout. 
          Also gotta say that Dave the diver collab totally blindfolded me. At least I don’t have to worry about Stellar blade coming soon.


@0SRatz Saved up 88k gems and 192 tickets, all f2p :D 


@0SRatz I'm ready for the event 36k with 90 tickets


@ 0SRatz  ok i'm ready for the event but the skins are not my thing, i dont put money


@0SRatz Did you hear that Nikke is having a summer livestream on the 26? Personally, I’m really excited to see who the next summer nikkes are because everyone is literally going crazy about it. Most think that one of them is Sakura, but since it’s usually SSR+SR SSR variant, many are really split over on who is the other nikke


Can’t wait to tune in to find out, I think they also plan to announce a new collab soon so hopefully I’ll be prepared. 50k gems is really not stating to look like a lot right now…


@0SRatz How was the current event for you? For me, it was AMAZING. Not only did we get fun minigames, but we also got an amazing story with Soda and Alice. I was really proud that Soda had gotten over what she was scared of, and decided to move forward, and improved herself during the event. What was your favorite part about the event?


@0SRatz Yeah people were really going crazy over bunny Mary lol


Shift Up really cooked with this one. Honestly I wasn’t expecting a big event like this with its own dedicated map right after the 1.5 anniversary but it sure is welcome. Didn’t pull for Soda/Alice, but I really enjoyed the unique CGs of all the other bunny girls. Especially bunny Mary. Probably my 2nd favorite skin right behind Pepper’s swimsuit.


@0SRatz The current chapter was AMAZING. Though, I was wondering since we do meet Scarlet again in future chapters in Nikke, will she also be included when you write those chapters down as well?


@0SRatz Well, at least we can rely on Snow White for now. We definitely done for when she turns lol


Definitely planning on it. It’s going to be interesting thought. I know I hinted at Snow White’s personality shift but I plan for that to kick in much later so she can keep her companions in line for now. Plus for her case I plan to do something quite different in order to better resonate with her character. 