Heyhey, I was going over my Wattpad because I just remembered I still had an account and I saw I was still following @theratmansimp and since you were in their following aswell, I just wanted to ask if you knew them irl, since they just stopped replying to me one day a couple years ago and I’ve just had this feeling that it wasn’t because they didn’t want to talk to me anymore, ik they were a lil weird but I liked talking to them a lot so I was just wondering if you knew anything abt them

@Waitwhosscarlett I'm sorry for not responding, I have Wattpad notifications turned off! I don't know them, I don't think I've ever spoken to them (I used to follow back everyone, until the notifications were too much, even though I have them off now). I'm sorry you two lost contact, and I hope they either reply to you soon, or you find another way to communicate with them!