
I haven't wrote in at least three/four years. If it's cringe, it's because I was 14 and 15. I still get comments about how bad some writing is or how cringey it is and believe me, I know. I was down bad for 'em. So just so everyone is aware, I don't write my current books anymore (I haven't stopped writing completely, just for now).


I haven't wrote in at least three/four years. If it's cringe, it's because I was 14 and 15. I still get comments about how bad some writing is or how cringey it is and believe me, I know. I was down bad for 'em. So just so everyone is aware, I don't write my current books anymore (I haven't stopped writing completely, just for now).


Hello everyone! I will edit my stories especially the MHA Scenarios and Oneshots book since I started writing it at 14 and I'm now 17. I know some are cringier than others so I'll try and fix that. And make them longer scenarios. Even though the book is completed, I will still edit it.


How I found out my English teachers wife reads fanfiction and then got him into it.
          Me and my friend talking about MHA fanfiction then my English Teacher comes over to us wondering what we're doing. He says, "What are you guys talking about?" He looks at my friends computer that has Mr Compress on it. Me and my friend looks at each other. I decided to tell him who the character is. "Oh he's a fictional character." I say pointing to Compress. My teacher then says, "Oh cool, my wife reads *names the title of a movie series* fanfiction. What is it?" Me and my friend look at each other before we burst out laughing. He says, "Why are you both laughing? Is fanfiction bad?" I'm still laughing a little but I replied saying, "No no it's not." He looks at us before saying, "Okay..?" He walks awa. Me and my friend is still chuckling trying to calm down. "Oh my god, I'm so red from laughing." "Me too." I say nodding. A few minutes pass by before I call him over again. "Yes?" He says smiling. "Here's the definition of Fanfiction" I say pointing to my computer screen. Him: "Oh I see now. So it's stories people write about fictional characters. So anyone can write it?" "Yes" i say nodding. Him: "Alright. I'll have to look into it sometime, thanks." *Me and my friend look at each other* Me: "I wonder how that will turn out" My Friend shrugs smiling. "Let's hope he doesn't find Smut lmao"


Hello everyone! I written an OC story with my friend and I'd really enjoy it if you checked it out! It's called Crossed Paths (Katsuki Bakugou X OC). Also I will be doing more Oneshots and chapters when I have the time. Enjoy reading!