
Almost 2 years later, I think its time to dust of the cobwebs, and start over. Welcome to the new era of me, a more mature, rugged, and experienced me. Welcome, to the era of Pandemonium.


I, Salvador Quiroz, am sadly ending my Wattpad experience here. It's been a blast. I just don't find much inspiration now a days. I wrote my own personal narratives, so I am still an avid writer, but I just can't start or finish any story on here anymore. Much love to you all. My account will live on, but I will not come online. I thanks this app for many friendships. Thank you all for coming and supporting my writing. I hope to come back one day, but it will be very hard. Thank you Wattpad for the experience, and thank you, for being here. Goodbye.


Hey guys, sorry for not updating as much as I used to, this is the final stretch for my 9th grade year. I promise, that come June, I will update just like the days of Planes, Trains and Cars. Please, just bare with me, thank you. Love you all.


Hey guys. I feel really bad for not updating as much as I used to. I know a lot of you love my stories at its almost a crime for me not to update. The reason behind it is svhool. It's my freshman year in high school. Grade 9 is the hardest year in high school, so they say. I hope that by the end of this school year I will be able to update almost daily during the summer months. Thank you all so much for your patience. I love each and every one of you. Thank you again.


Hey peeps, sorry for this, but High school is getting frustrating and finals are coming up. I will probably not update until Mid December. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will come back stronger tho ;) Love you.