
guys i love theatre camp


Hi my name starts with an M (I don't want to say my name idk) and I was on stage crew with you. I was wondering if you have Pinterest since I don't have a phone but you can message through Pinterest.


@0fficialEmmi  followed you!! (I think)


@Demented_Moon hey my pinterest isnt privated anymore! should be able to mssg me :3


If anyone has ideas for things I could write, please list them below. I am bored and burnout lmao


@Demented_Moon I WAS thinking about Bluey I just don't really know what to write
            Might start another Drarry one, I have a draft of it but might now publish it


          In case you didn't read my latest oneshot, I did write on there that the one I just uploaded (Secret Santa, go check it out!) will be my last Drarry oneshot. However, per said, I do have another book in mind that may be being started to write late 2023 or 2024! So this isn't me quitting, just me starting something new!


          I know its been 2 weeks since I updated "Drarry Oneshots", I just haven't had a lot of motivation to write it for a few days. But I'm not closing it or stopping writing it, I may just be on break. I promise I'm not going to randomly disapear with it. I'll drop a new oneshot when I'm ready, and the latest one will be out is Christmas (since I have a special for that planned, but haven't written it). I also may start to write other oneshots/stories on this platform, I just don't know when. Thank you for the support, I hope to have more oneshots out soon. This is not me quitting, this is just me giving a heads up.