Hey guys! I’m really sorry to announce this, but I have to terminate my account.. T-T my mother found out about it- and uh- she isn’t all about gAy stuff and all sooo.. I’m really sorry, and I know I haven’t been here that long, but I have to- I might make a new account when I get a phone (strict parents, iykyk..). Again, sorry for this! Also, idk if it gets rid of fanfics that u make when u terminate ur account, but if it DOES do that, then when (if?) I make a new account, I’ll renew the fanfic n stuff! Since my parents are strict, if any of u all wanna still chat with me, I have Minecraft (bedrock) and Pinterest! Minecraft user is xFrogToesx (don’t ask, long story-) and I somehow forgot what my Pinterest user was LMAO- but yeah when I find THAT out, I’ll comment what my Pinterest is! When u add me on Pinterest (IF u do..), make sure to lmk who u are and where u knew my from, I’m super forgetful! It was nice getting to know u all and stuff- sorry for this againnnn T^T

oof btw imma keep this announcement up for a little bit in case anyone drops a user or smth lmfao

Ok Pinterest “display” name (ig?) is “ ⌦☀︎☀︎⌫ “ and my username is “ @currently_running_from_HISOKA “ :,D