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I just got an epic plot for a larry fic. So I was watching this girl's standup show and there were two priests in the audience and they were hot af. She said that to them and made joke about it. So then I got an idea for a larry fic. Harry and Louis study to be a priest and meet there. They fall for each other. They realise they are gay and in love with each other. But so many things get in the way. The situation they meet is a fucking messed up situation And extreme homophobic family, what people and society say and all these kinds of stuff gets in the way. So what are they going to do about their feelings? Are they going to shut down their feeling and pretend like nothing ever happened? Are they going to stop talking to each other? Or are they going to say "fuck the world" and fight for their love? I think this is an epic plot for a larry fic and I would've written it but the problem is I know nothing about priests, Christianity, Christian tradition and generally nothing in that branch coz im not a Christian or a religious person. I'm an atheist. I know nothing about this thing but I want to read this fic So this idea is free to all. if anyone of you can write a story in this plot or tell someone you know will write tell them... Do anything. I just want to read this fic so bad. Please make this happen. I know you want this as bad as I do so act upon it. MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

I like that idea!!! If you have free time msg me. We can collaborate and do research about this and write

@reallouisorisittt I would but idk anyone who might write this maybe we could collab or something and do research so we could write it I'm just brainstorming this cause I wanna read it too ಥ‿ಥ