this message may be offensive
Dear followers,
So yes, as you know I posted a story called the Dystopian Society. I'm going to be flat out and say that yes, the story by styleslegend [Megan] is where I got the idea for it from. I'm sorry I plagiarized. I'm sorry for taking this book and claiming it as my own idea. I never meant to hurt you, upset you, or put you down in any way Megan. You're story 'Anarchy' and its sequel are my favorite books ever, and you are an extremely talented writer. I'm sorry to everyone out there I upset. I hate myself for what I did. Please forgive me, I will no longer be writing on Wattpad. My most sincere apology goes out to Megan. My actions were so incredibly awful and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. To those of you STILL sending me hate messages and calling me things, please stop. I already want to kill myself and there is only so much I can take. I love you Megan and I am so so sorry.
-Sara xx