@0ne_pan__b0y What's the point of replying in someone else's conversation even if it's public or for themselves like ignore and also this is ended so don't waste your time here And i posted it here cuz that comment section wasn't working for me :) Hope you understand

I was actually telling you to don't enter that convo cuz it's like Entering my privacy and also that convo is over and i posted it here in your mesage board intead of that book comment cuz my comments were hanging there like error 1135 was showing and i wasn't able to reply there so after sometime I replied here what i wanted to say. And Not everything which is coming out of author mouth is a joke. It wasn't a Joke I wished she could have said it polity but she didn't anyways I'm not here for that . Just wanna clear the misunderstanding. And please don't call me rude. Nicest people are mean at first just dig more inside them and you'll know the truth instead of judging them for afar I'm not comfortable with someone Entering my argument or serious talks with someone. It's uncomfortable you know. Even if it's a public platform. I hope you clear the misunderstanding and stay away from such a burden like me if you can. :)

@_Weirdo_with_Guts_ Youre making a post on MY account, and telling me to mind my own buisness and ignore it? I replied to you, because this is a social media platform. You were being rude to someone, so i made a comment about how their joke wasnt that serious. You guys didnt have a "conversation," it was 4 comments under a wattpad story. I am allowed to reply to comments as i feel, just the same as you. I just wanted you to be aware that the person was making a joke, and it wasnt needed to be taken as serious as it was, considering your harsh response to them. You had no reason to respond to their joke in the first place, they werent speaking to you. Just as you can reply to their comments, i can reply to yours. I am only replying so that you understand, I dont want this to turn into some sort of argument, so as you said, lets just leave it. "Dont waste your time here" on my profile.