Howdy y'all, just here to announce that I've just about left the wattpad community! It was a fun run while it lasted but I've moved on in life. I work a job that takes up a lot of my time and along with having plans in the very near future to start streaming on twitch and pushing out youtube content, I won't have the time to continue writing/finishing my books. Anything that is unfinished as of now will most likely remain that way. I'll be leaving my books up for you to continue reading if you wish, but nothing will be getting updated. Thank you to those of you who have interacted with me and/or my books.

I swear I have to go some sort of psychic, every time I go to check up on an author I used to read, they’re moving on with life

Thanks for telling us and not just leaving without a word, and hope your successful in your streaming. Good luck!